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MogRover construction
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:15 am
by Slunnie
Sam, just trolling through Pirate looking at the construction of the MogRover. Just some questions out of interest.
When you took the series body, did you leave the entire bodywork bolted together and create a subframe that tied the firewall and rear bulkhead together - which held the entire body together (and generated sliders) and then sat this onto the RRC chassis? It looked like that was then welded to the top of the chassis and I assume the middle section removed for transmission clearance. Also, how far up off the chassis was that spaced, or what section did you use to tie it all together?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:49 pm
by def90
ahahaha Mr Overton you look so young

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:19 pm
by Strange Rover
def90 wrote:ahahaha Mr Overton you look so young

Bloody hell!!!...dont I just.
Ive got a heap of pictures somewhere showing detail of how the body was mounted and im sure Ive seen them recently...just carnt find them ATM??
But basically this is how the body was mounted (without pics)...
You can see in your top picture straps connecting to the top door hinge on each side and to the centre of a piece of angle iron that was tech screwed to the top of the sides across the back. These 3 straps were connected together and the whole assemble was lifted fron the centre point with a forklift. The body was never disasembled.
So pull the body off and mount the drivetrain where ever it fits.
Sit the body back on centred about the axles and keep cutting the firewall untill you get the body back to the height you want it at. I basically had the rear floor just above the chassis.
Work out the height and length of where the sliders go (these were 75x50 RHS)
Then take the body off and weld on the sliders...basically you know how far apart the sliders need to be apart...the total width of the body...cut a piece of RHS (again 75x50) this lenght and weld it on top of the chassis at the correct slider height...position it towards the rear end of the sliders and try to make it line up verticaly beneath the rear body bulkhead (the one thats just behind the front seats.
Weld the sliders to this cross member.
Make two additional short sections to attach the front of the sliders to the chassis...this carnt be one continious length like the back one cause the motor/gearbox is in the way...make sure these sections dont line up with the fire wall mount.
Sit the body back on the sliders and attach the front firewall lower mount to the sliders...two short sections of 5mm plate (say 50mm x 50mm) with a 1/2 in hole welded to the inside edge of the sliders on either side of the firewall mount. Put a 1/2 in bolt through there.
Make a vertical plate (something like 100mm by 5mm) off the rear slider cross member to attach to the rear bulkhead...bolt that on.
Cut another piece of rhs for the very rear of the body, tech screw it to the body and weld it to the chassis.
Weld a bit of angle to the front of the chassis to mount the bottom of the grill...
And your done.
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:51 pm
by zookimal
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:23 pm
by Slunnie
Good stuff Sam, thanks for this and for the depth of reply. It took a couple of reads but it sounds like that part was fairly straight forward.
When you were talking about positioning the motor/gearboxs was this still the Rover V8 in the factory position or did you shift it further back to make it fit behind the fasica? It looks like the engine fan is right up on the facia in the pics.
Zookimal thanks for the link!
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:33 pm
by Strange Rover
Slunnie wrote:Good stuff Sam, thanks for this and for the depth of reply. It took a couple of reads but it sounds like that part was fairly straight forward.
When you were talking about positioning the motor/gearboxs was this still the Rover V8 in the factory position or did you shift it further back to make it fit behind the fasica? It looks like the engine fan is right up on the facia in the pics.
Zookimal thanks for the link!
When I origionally put the series body on it had stock range rover engine position. I moved the facia forward about was just in front of the motor....the radiator was laid down flat above the motor.
Look in this thread ... evelopment
In the shot from above with the new tyres you can see the radiator and the gap at the back of the bonnet.
When it went from this (rover v8 and D44s) to mog diffs and ford windsor it went from 100in to 112in and the motor was moved way back and I could fit the radiator back in front of the engine. The facia always stawed in the forward position though...I always had the gap at the back of the bonnet.
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:39 pm
by Strange Rover
Here is the thread of the mog build up...on page 3 you can see the slider htis instance I didnt run the rear RHS continuous across the chassis cause the rear tail shaft would have hit it, ... mog&page=3
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:42 pm
by Strange Rover
OK - found the thread on how the body was mounted....I knew I had seen all the pics in one place somewhere. ... ht=rebuild
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:09 pm
by Slunnie
Sam thanks so much for all of this! I've just been reading through the threads! Brilliant! I didn't realise you'd done that mod to the A-frame also to sort the anti-squat. Likewise it shows the mounts really well, not to mention Ruff picken his ass!
Man that was solid getting the radiator over the engine - I've got a 3.9 in my SeriesII ute and the plenum is barely off the bonnet! I'm guessing that you're also running a thermo under there to push air up and out?
Thanks again Sam, I'll come back for reread in the morning.
Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:23 pm
by Slunnie
Such a good read.
When you were building and developing this and gathering information and thoughts about it, it sounds very much like you were very quickly onto thoughts about building the Lockless Defender which came together a couple of years later. Just looking at it with the 110"wb which was close after the mogs, similar body, revised suspension geometry/geography and a motor that sat even more centralised than how you setup the Windsor. Interestingly, Pete Antunac was also making some really positive comments about his new truck with a mid mounted motor, but it surprises me in some respects that most of the Aus and US crawlers dont mid mount to this degree - perhaps a packaging issue.
Reflecting, if you did something like this again, would you go down the path of Series onto Rangie like the MogRover, Series onto Defender like the Lockless or somehow construct it differently... perhaps thats a silly question in light of your S1 but I guess they're for different purposes.
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:25 am
by Michele
The thread I always waited for!
Thanks Slunnie and Sam for sharing.
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:48 pm
by uninformed
great threads Sam, thanks.
i was looking at the thread for the lockless and all the pics were gone?
also whats happening with the series 1 you were building?
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:48 pm
by def90
Yeah sam when is the mini build of the S1 starting?
i think it may of been sitting there for while now....
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:43 pm
by Micka
def90 wrote:Yeah sam when is the mini build of the S1 starting?
i think it may of been sitting there for while now....
Hell yeah SamO...
We need more Rovers to social wheel the shit out of with
Make with the build and farkin DRIVE IT

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:12 pm
by def90
hey sam even young charles will have his ute done before you
a little birdie told me you got him to buy some Q78's....a tire that size is a big step for chuck