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100 Series Dashboard Warning Lights Illuminating

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:26 pm
by Fatty
My 100 series has spent most of December in the shed. I took it out New Years eve and found that dashboard warning lights were flashing like a christmas tree between 900rpm and 3200rpm. The lamps that come on are the same that appear when you turn ignition to "on" prior to cranking the block.

The voltage meter indicates that the alternator is working well and I have only recently replaced the alternator. Hav driven 500kms on it like this with no loss of battery or engine cut-out.

I have read here of people having similar problems and needing to replace or clean wiring to alternator however as my warning lights do not indicate outside of the above RPM range I expect the problem might be elsewhere.

I'll drop it back to the auto lecki this week see what they say. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:25 pm
by +dj_hansen+
If the auto-elec did the work, take it back, otherwise it would be checking all your earths, or even for a loose cable somewhere that begins to move above 900rpm.

Check the charge rate with a multimeter both at the battery and on the terminal of the alternator to confirm its charging correctly.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:38 pm
by jsttry
check plug on back of alternator isn't loose