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Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:55 pm
what up guys?
just a quickie, my mate has been offered a 85 SWB bundera 2.4L petrol. can any one tell me anything bout them to pass on to him. are they a good 4by. i would have thought they would be a bit sluggish with a 2.4L.. maybe i am wrong, i know SFA bout toyotas, oh it also has bout 300000k's on the clock. any info would be great to pass on asap. cheers!

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:01 pm
by Twistinchassie
not sure of the year model but my mate has the coily bundera, with the 22r.. 2,4 in it, he runs 2" lifted 80 series hd coils with mtr 37's its really tall but looks fat and perfoms pretty good on the trails, the 22r pushes the 37's pretty well, plenty of performance bits out of the states and possibly locally as the US 4runner ran the 22r, look on also u can convert them to fuel injection from the celica or corona..

check for rust apprently there notorious..

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:09 pm
by evanstaniland
front window top corners - check for rust

see when the timing chain was last changed

if suspension is flogged out (could use that to get it cheaper ;) )

rear sliding windows the frames/slides rust

general check for oil leaks etc

oh Twistinchassie all bunderas are coil thats what makes them a bundera (give or take a few other things)

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:06 pm
by Twistinchassie
oh ok sweet i thought the earlier bundies were leaf.. cheers