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NM Auto Issue: Resolved

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:49 am
by JimmyTheHuman
I was searching for some info on a prob with my paj and thought i would post this in case it helps anyone else, since it was relatively rare.

Bought a second hand NM Exceed and after a while is started vibrating, as if the tailshaft unis were stuffed - would always do it at the same revs, fairly low and when the car wasnt under much strain - trying to maintain a constant 100 for example.

If anyone has felt a big vibration from a tailshaft or broken gearbox mount before you will know what i mean.

Anyway, long story short, the answer was that the auto service the guys before had done hadnt put exactly the right auto fluid back in. So the dealer changed the fluid and asked me if i was willing to risk the $200 cost to see if it would fix it and it has 100% fixed it for me. They were going to try and sell me an auto reco or at the least a reco torque converter - either way thousands in expense for me.

Hope this helps some one else.

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:57 am
by -Scott-
Thanks for the post Jimmy. We often get posts about problems, but the solutions are less common.