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need help

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:53 pm
by 91 GQ WAGON
hi i got a 91 gq wagon with a 3 ltr. tonight i drove across rail tracks in second gear doing about 2000 rpm then all of a sudden the truck had no power getting up the hill. about 20 min later when driving up a hill in second around 2000 rpm the truck had no power. it felt like it wasnt getting enough fuel. when you put ya foot down it will stay at the one speed & wont go any faster. it doesnt back fire at all. when i get up it in 1st & 2nd around 2 2.500 rpm thats when it does its thing. its fine in 3rd just 1st & 2nd anyone got any idea of what it mite be i need to fix this before i go to cruiser park this weekend. also it feels like when you take a lead off & run it on 5 cyl. pm me or send me a email to