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Too late to turbo charge it?
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:26 pm
by iamgq
Hi guys,
I have a 1993 4.2 diesel GQ with 380,000 on the clock. I was thinking whether I should Turbo charge it with such high km? It's just too slow and does not have enough low-end torque.
I have this car for almost 6 years and never had any problem. The injectors been reconditioned about 2 years ago when it was about 360,000 and they are still doing well with very minimal smoke.
Or should I just save $ to get a Turbo diesel GU later?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:38 pm
by Z()LTAN
youll be displeased with the performance the GU turbos have. Even after you upgrade the turbo and cooler, they still dont perform all that well as their temps and egts are hard to control.
380k is alot to start turboing.
I would recommend atleast doing a basic rebuild b4 turboing it.
You would probably get away with a low grade turbo setup @ 8psi without blowing the old girl up but thats not going to give you much bang for you buck.
If your going to spend the money on a turbo setup u would want the best results (atleast i know i do), 15psi, fuel upped and intercooled. That would probably give you 1/2 as much power and torque ontop of what u already have.
As a general rule 300k is too old
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:27 pm
by figjam_1985
Running 12 psi, turboed it at 382 000, had it checked out and everything adjusted, done 10 000kms since, not a blip so far and i drive it all day everyday. By checked i mean, big end looked at and bearings replaced just in case, the bloke at the shop almost sent me away telling me they were perfect, but i did it anyway, tappets done, you can do it, just have it looked at. As its been said before, if the engine has been looked after and serviced well, at that amount of kms some say the engine has only just warmed up. many people debate this topic, search is your freind in this situation.
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:46 pm
by 4wd_pig
my 4.2 maverick has done 380,000 and its had a turbo on it for about 6 years know. if you have had the car for a while you should beable to tell if it will take alittle more power.
also ive been told that the turbo takes less strain off the motor because its not having to work as hard all the time unless you are getting into it all the time wih the turbo.
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:24 pm
by iamgq
4wd_pig wrote:ive been told that the turbo takes less strain off the motor because its not having to work as hard all the time unless you are getting into it all the time wih the turbo..
I thought about that too. Unless I really have a go on the engine (5000 rpm+), the motor should do less to create same or more torque than without turbo. So the engine should have much steeper torque curve, isn't it better for the engine (produce more torque with same rpm)?
Please correct me if I am wrong. I am still new to this.
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:11 pm
by Tony WestOZ
5000+ rpm on a TD42 diesel, and you will be going around picking up the bits before to long.
As soon as you bolt a turbo on you increase the stress on the motor.
There is more bang in each cylinder every time it fires.
The good thing is TD42`s can take it.
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:28 pm
by its aford not a nissan
Tony WestOZ wrote:5000+ rpm on a TD42 diesel, and you will be going around picking up the bits before to long.
As soon as you bolt a turbo on you increase the stress on the motor.
There is more bang in each cylinder every time it fires.
The good thing is TD42`s can take it.
i have had mine to 5500rpm quite a few times and regularly to 5000rpm , the turbo went on at 265000 ks but bought car from a car yard and i suspect the speedo may be wound back , it now has over 335000 ks , i was running around 20 psi boost before the intercooler went on but it did drop to 18 psi after it went on , i give my motor heaps but it keeps on going , the motor is pretty quiet bar one slightly noisey tappet which has a burred head on it and i was too lazy to fix when i adjusted the tappets last time , but when the motor is nice and hot you can hardly hear it
but in saying that , if the motor did blow i wouldnt be too surprised
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:44 pm
by love ke70
give it a shot, but only if your prepared to either rebuild, or put a replacement donk in it. i dont think it will let go, but some do, poor tune or just old age who knows...
you will not get a straight answer on a forum, as no one can be sure of any motor.
talk to giant racing about revving td42s,apparently they love teh revs

have you got old silver top or newer black top?
im running a black top and am worried about making it go pop, the older motors were much tougher.
almost 100kg tougher from what i got told?
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:52 pm
by bogged
its aford not a nissan wrote:i have had mine to 5500rpm quite a few times and regularly to 5000rpm
why rev it so hard, when max torque and KW are usually under 3500?
Never revved mine past 4000 nor the GQ...
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:05 pm
by love ke70
its a ford has done a cam in his hasnt he?
and giant racing reckons you can build the pump to give you power out to 6K plus, dunno how true it is as ive never seen it...
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:27 pm
by its aford not a nissan
to be honest it does stop pulling after around 4500 but if i rev it out 5000 then when i go to the next gear ( 2nd to 3rd ) im strait into peak torque and power where there is normally a bit of drop in power if i change too early
and nope i havnt changed anything else to the motor , 5500 rpm is enough i think 6000rpm would be toooooo scarey
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:32 pm
by A.J.
I have just turboed my GU TD42, black rocker cover obviously being a GU.
Just got the new exhaust done, then I'll be popping in a boost and egt gauge and give it a tune
Mine has done just under 300k by the way.
I've adjusted the tappets and had a look inside when I took the sump off. All looks good, no sludge in the sump either.
Lets see how she goes

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:26 pm
by turps
bogged wrote:its aford not a nissan wrote:i have had mine to 5500rpm quite a few times and regularly to 5000rpm
why rev it so hard, when max torque and KW are usually under 3500?
Never revved mine past 4000 nor the GQ...
I remember the Christie brothers had 6000rpm out of the race car. And they use to rev it all the time.
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:03 pm
by twodiffs
bogged wrote:its aford not a nissan wrote:i have had mine to 5500rpm quite a few times and regularly to 5000rpm
why rev it so hard, when max torque and KW are usually under 3500?
Never revved mine past 4000 nor the GQ...
aye that, I hardly get close to 4000, i find i can get more torque/power and therefore pull by sticking to 1600 - 2200 for towing and 4wd grunting