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RE: GU Steering Alignment before and after lift! - Issue.
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:16 pm
by Ibsn
Hey all,
I have recently purchased a GU, to replace my GQ in search of something a little nicer...
A problem I always always had with the GQ was that it steered left, no matter how many times i had a wheel alignment.
And it would slightly chew the left hand lugs on the left tire, and leave the right hand lugs (of the left tire) crisp and unscrubbed...
So, GU, Put the same superior 4-5 tough dog, Drop box lift in, and before I did this and after I did this and after Fourbys at moorooka did my wheel alignment, I am faced with a car that wants to steer left! - AND is now doing the same thing to the brand new tires.....
So, I also know the camber problem that patrols have had in relation to Australia being opposite to Japanese roads... And the availability of a kingpin? Bearing adjuster kit, (which apparently weakens the whole setup with a slightly smaller bearing) - Dont know how much they are worth..
Is the problem I am experiencing, this.... or should i be looking at something else!
Thanks for reading, what do you think? Has anyone else experienced this problem, and what did they do to rectify it?' - cause its driving me mentally sideways... :p
thanks all!

Re: RE: GU Steering Alignment before and after lift! - Issue
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:43 am
by Mayhem Mat
Ibsn wrote:
So, I also know the camber problem that patrols have had in relation to Australia being opposite to Japanese roads...

what is the diff between jap and aust roads? we both drive right hook.
Re: RE: GU Steering Alignment before and after lift! - Issue
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:28 am
by Wendle
Ibsn wrote:And the availability of a kingpin? Bearing adjuster kit, (which apparently weakens the whole setup with a slightly smaller bearing) - Dont know how much they are worth..
I don't think they weaken the steering at all, I ran them in my buggy with hydraulic steering for years, no probs.
Would definitely make a big difference, add a little more caster to the the LH wheel to allow for our aggressive road crown.
From memory the kit was about $140 per side.
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:43 am
by RoldIT
Did the lift kit come with an adjustable drag link?
Re: RE: GU Steering Alignment before and after lift! - Issue
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:34 am
by vanbox
Ibsn wrote:Hey all,
I have recently purchased a GU, to replace my GQ in search of something a little nicer...
A problem I always always had with the GQ was that it steered left, no matter how many times i had a wheel alignment.
And it would slightly chew the left hand lugs on the left tire, and leave the right hand lugs (of the left tire) crisp and unscrubbed...
So, GU, Put the same superior 4-5 tough dog, Drop box lift in, and before I did this and after I did this and after Fourbys at moorooka did my wheel alignment, I am faced with a car that wants to steer left! - AND is now doing the same thing to the brand new tires.....
So, I also know the camber problem that patrols have had in relation to Australia being opposite to Japanese roads... And the availability of a kingpin? Bearing adjuster kit, (which apparently weakens the whole setup with a slightly smaller bearing) - Dont know how much they are worth..
Is the problem I am experiencing, this.... or should i be looking at something else!
Thanks for reading, what do you think? Has anyone else experienced this problem, and what did they do to rectify it?' - cause its driving me mentally sideways... :p
thanks all!

Mine does the exact same thing

....will be watching with interest
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:01 am
by SuperiorEngineering
Just to clear up a couple of things early, this truck has one of our kits in it, the drop boxes and control arms are all made in the same jig so left and right hand are the same.
This is nothing to do with the suspension why a vehicle pulls
We have seen many GQ/GU's that pull to the left and with no difference when new suspension is fitted.
What we have noticed is that the new series 4 models have the problem more than previous models.
We have had the duscussion with a few wheel alignment businesses so far with no real answer why they do it, BUT after talking to craig at Superior Alignments in Narangba Qld 07 3888 6988 he assures me the way to correct this is to fit a offset camber/caster kingpin bearing as mentioned.
he has gone on to say from factory the wheel alignment is not correct and as the outside of the tire wears this creates the pulling to the left and this is why a camber bearing fixes the problem.
If you need this corrected give him a call and he will get it sorted.
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:18 pm
by Ibsn
Yes, sounds like im looking down the right path with these camber bearing kits, and its good to hear im not the only one experiencing this problem, its highly annoying!
Yes it is the superior 4-5 tough dog drop box kit that you guys installed initially on the GQ and I have swapped it onto my GU. The GU and GQ pulled to the left even when they were completely stock, I don't blame the kit at all!!!
Its just strange how some people DONT have the problem ever.
Thanks for reading and everyone's input!!! looks like im gona have to track down one of these kits off superior alignments asap!
Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:33 pm
by phippsey
Have the same problem
Put a return-to-centre dampener, and has made a big difference, however the vehicle still pulls to the left, but nothing like it used to.
Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:26 pm
by GU-ish
pretty much every car will pull a little to the left. it is due to the roads... they all have a crown or crossfall in them of about 3% and the left is always the lower side..
try drive on the wrong side of the road see if it pulls to the right then.