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Cummins 4BTA

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:16 pm
by 308LUX
Searched up a storm to no avail...

Anyone put a 4bta in a hilux ?

Any info would be great ... what other deisel motors would be good swaps ?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:36 am
by bj on roids
Don't bother, they are heavy, low revving, and not great off road or on, good for towing or in a bigger vehicle for towing, round town stuff...

I would steer well clear...

They make a great stationery generator

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:31 pm
Roothy doens't think much of them anymore after trying to fit one into his 45. Heres a post of his off the 4WD Action Forum.

G'day folks, just like to say a quick thanks to all those people who had a good word to say about me - thanks Mum! Look, the old 'sticks and stones' thing OK? I know I've got the dream job and consider myself very lucky to have it! Anyway, just to clarify things regarding Red, the Cummins is an awesome motor but Phil and I have spent a month trying to sort it out after the initial conversion was botched, I've had engineers look at it - and spew- and even if we could sort all the problems at the end of the day its almost impossible to get the weight evenly distributed because of a host of factors - which means while a cummins powered toyopta might make a great level road tow vehicle it's no use off-road, apart from flat tracking anyway! I feel compelled to let everybody in on this because the magazine runs quite a few months behind (long leadtimes) and the project still looks all good on those pages - so tell your friends! Anyone who is thinking of going this way should take heed and wait for a while - at this stage I'm pretty discouraged with the whole thing and will probably be putting in another motor rather than shifting diffs, putting up with crooked drivelines, bending chassis bits and a whole heap of illegal engineering to bodge up a decent truck. At the moment we're running three extra leaves (long ones!) on the drivers side and it's still not enough. That sort of imbalance makes for lousy off-road performance and some dangerous driving habits on road too. I've got another engineer mate looking at it right now but I doubt this will change things. It was a good idea, just didn';t work in practice. Yet anyway.
Righto, gotta go get ready for a trip - anybody who wants to contact me should use the email address on the driver profiles page of the mag because I rarely get on the forum yet check the emails pretty often - you never know, maybe the 'Swedish Girls Naked Off Road Association' is trying to get in touch in touch in touch.....

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:05 am
by Tooheys

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 3:21 pm
by Sixty's Guy
Who botched Roothy's original 4BT conversion?

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 4:30 pm
by AZZA'S HJ47
he said in the mag it was going to be pitstop 4x4 at wynum

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:15 pm
by Sixty's Guy
Yeh, it's kind of strnge as he has talked them up for years..........

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:48 pm
by Zeyphly
one of the guys i went to trade school with ended up fitting a 3b to his 85 hilux, went welltill the gearbox blew and then they just parted it out.