Transfercase ratios
Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 12:33 am
Just finished installing mine today and thought id drop a line to anyone who is thinking of doing it them selves.
I used the Rockhopper gears bought from Opposite Lock in WA.The gear set was excellently made only problem no instructions was told its easy mate you will see what you have to do.
What i found was that there is no list of what original parts to keep and what to be discarded.I kept the welch plug that fits inside the new input stub that you get.If you dont refit this all your oil will leak out the front hub .My car is a diesal 92 DX classed as a mark 2 in the Gregories manual so on the Counter shaft a double geard hub i only had 1 set of thin gears spacer and washer.On the mark 1 you get one set on each side of the gear hub i discarded these as they didnt seem to be needed.I kept all the original bearings as they were fine.You only have to strip the low speed side of the main shaft so disreguard the section on the high speed side.Before putting the case back together there is a section of case that needs cutting out it looks like a N shape it is next to were the low speed gear sits you have to cut a section from both case sections make sure you give it lots of clearance You will need a good puller to get some of the bearings of .
Now when putting it back together after ringing every one from Opposite lock to Big Balls Offroad it never came across when asking questions that they had put one of these together .As they either didnt no how it went togther or if asked why some of the new gears were different to the old stuff they didnt no.
The main problem that i came across was that after installing the new low speed gear it obstructs you putting in the counter shaft because it over laps the spigited hole for the counter shafts support bearing .Was told to build the case the wrong way round and to juggle 2 gears the case and shift fork all tgother then slip a snap ring on .Apparently Brett from a 4x4 place in Queensland puts them together this way thanks for the advice but i couldnt get it to work .
For everyone else i took the bearing of the counter shaft and fitted it to the spiggitod hole first then emeried down the couter shaft bearing spiggot so that it was still a good fit but not a press fit then reassembled the case tapping the shaft and case into position after this worked fine.The rest of the assembley is as you took it apart the low range reduction is awsome as with running 4.6 diffs and now this a baby could crawl faster than i can now drive in 1st low at 2000rpm bring on the 38s .
I f anyone dose install these gears and wants any info you can ring me on (08)9527 7115 or email me
I used the Rockhopper gears bought from Opposite Lock in WA.The gear set was excellently made only problem no instructions was told its easy mate you will see what you have to do.
What i found was that there is no list of what original parts to keep and what to be discarded.I kept the welch plug that fits inside the new input stub that you get.If you dont refit this all your oil will leak out the front hub .My car is a diesal 92 DX classed as a mark 2 in the Gregories manual so on the Counter shaft a double geard hub i only had 1 set of thin gears spacer and washer.On the mark 1 you get one set on each side of the gear hub i discarded these as they didnt seem to be needed.I kept all the original bearings as they were fine.You only have to strip the low speed side of the main shaft so disreguard the section on the high speed side.Before putting the case back together there is a section of case that needs cutting out it looks like a N shape it is next to were the low speed gear sits you have to cut a section from both case sections make sure you give it lots of clearance You will need a good puller to get some of the bearings of .
Now when putting it back together after ringing every one from Opposite lock to Big Balls Offroad it never came across when asking questions that they had put one of these together .As they either didnt no how it went togther or if asked why some of the new gears were different to the old stuff they didnt no.
The main problem that i came across was that after installing the new low speed gear it obstructs you putting in the counter shaft because it over laps the spigited hole for the counter shafts support bearing .Was told to build the case the wrong way round and to juggle 2 gears the case and shift fork all tgother then slip a snap ring on .Apparently Brett from a 4x4 place in Queensland puts them together this way thanks for the advice but i couldnt get it to work .
For everyone else i took the bearing of the counter shaft and fitted it to the spiggitod hole first then emeried down the couter shaft bearing spiggot so that it was still a good fit but not a press fit then reassembled the case tapping the shaft and case into position after this worked fine.The rest of the assembley is as you took it apart the low range reduction is awsome as with running 4.6 diffs and now this a baby could crawl faster than i can now drive in 1st low at 2000rpm bring on the 38s .
I f anyone dose install these gears and wants any info you can ring me on (08)9527 7115 or email me