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Purchase advice on 94 Tdi Disco

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:04 pm
Hey everyone lookin to get back into the 4b side of things just after a little advice.

The above disco, are they a good thing?

The one in question has 200k's and full service history, good nick. $5900. at a car yard im sure this price could be well haggled with cash.

Small engine, what are they like for power?

Is it hard to gain more power from them turbo ect?

Maintanence, expensive to maintain?

Any common issue's.

I have owned a 96 petrol disco had simalar k's and nothin but problems.
Think managment systems for those engines must be up to shit, have test drove another petrol recently, had all same probblems, the surging when they get hot, eratic iddle ect.

Are the desil's free of these problems?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:24 pm
by Utemad
They're turbo already.
The diesel won't have engine management issues if you're talking electronic as they don't have an ECU.

To have a happy relationship with your Rover you really need to understand how it works. I find if you can understand how it works then you can ignore most of the little things :)

For a car yard price it sounds very cheap. I have seen them sell for more then that recently in private sales. So I'd be wary.
Get it totally checked out no matter where you buy it from if you aren't comfortable with all things Rover.

Other than the engine and perhaps spec level and auto/manual, the driveline and body will be the same as your old 96 petrol. So you would know much of it already if you worked on your old one yourself.

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:36 pm

Am aware its a turbo diesel, was more asking how much of a slug are they only being a 2.5ltr, and wether o not upping the boost is an easy application to get some more power?

Sounds like the price is good, must admit i dont know a great deal about diesel's except the basics. Timing belts need to be done regulary and serviced regulary. This done most are reliable.

Thanks Tim.

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:42 pm
by Utemad
I don't know anything about the diesel except they are painfully slow to drive IMHO.

However read this thread which is currently in progress.