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driveline noises ?
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:03 pm
by mikey.reynolds
hey guys im a rookie to this site..just brought my first car..its a 95 disco 3.9 manual..i noticied when i went i went to try use low range for the first time it makes a strange clunky/chattery sometimes does it to in high range with low revs..someone told me its a rover thing..but if theres something i can do about it ill get onto it..also driveline feels a bit sloppy..for example when you take your foot off the accelerator it feels like it knocks around a bit..kinda hard to explain other than sloppy..thanks..
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:10 pm
by RangingRover
Depending on the severity, its probably pretty normal. One thing that does happen is the splines on the inside of the input gear in the transfer case wear badly, and give you more backlash than usual, but even all set up properly they tend to have a bit of backlash.
When you're driving around in low range with the diff lock in, every time you put the clutch in coming to a stop (after being under load and/or turning) the whole driveline goes clackety clack. Loudly. That part is very normal for a disco or rangie.
The fact that you're only really noticing it at low revs (presumably changing between coasting and light acceleration, or taking off from traffic lights) and when you lift off sounds like a normal rover to me.
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:32 pm
check the uni's also make sure the nut on the front out put shaft is
Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:40 pm
by DD15CO
Without hearing it it sounds fairly normal, but in saying that... Mine got louder, so had a look underneath and uni's were buggered... So I replaced all four (rear prop shaft has rear uni conversion) and that made a difference, in saying that the week later I shattered the centre pinion gears in the rear diff (too much right foot apparently). She is alot quieter now, the old rear diff backlash was huge... I'd keep an eye on it and definitely check your uni's but if it gets noticeably louder definitely get it sussed out.
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:58 am
by mrbenwithag
my 85 has some serious backlash in it. still not sure if its in the diffs or boxs, but its never gotten any worse since i've owned it.
my old mans rangie has had it for nearly 8yrs now and never been an issue other than noise.
as plenty hav said b4, unless it gets worse, just check the uni's and as long as theres no oil leakin from the pinion, dont worry about it.