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mq h233 locker to gq h233b

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:37 pm
by g60ish
well after being offered a rb30 box tcase and motor. I am fitting gq diffs to my g60 this weekend and am going to fit my rear mq locker to the front gq diff. if i remember correctly all i have to do is enlarge the 12 crown wheel bolt holes to 12 mm. am i right. also hoping to fit a spare mq lsd to the front of a mates gq as well. have i missed anything?

also the box and motor will wait for a little while does anyone think the angle from offset mq tcase centered will be to much? this truck sees a fair bit of highway. thanks again ray

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:07 am
by Patroler
so youve got an rb30 with an mq box behind it?

Personally i wouldn't want that much offset, depends on the wheelbase also - Couldn't you fit a gq box in place? then it will mach the motor and the centre rear diff - also the rb30 box is a bit smaller than the 4.2 box so that may help it fit?

Interesting about the h233 locker, i heard this also, happen to have a mq rear locker and a gq with no front locker, ive heard of people put the whole centre in (have to play with the steering then) but like you, i'd rather just pop the carrier apart on both diffs and put the locker into the gq centre.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:07 pm
by patrol man
The bolt hole centers are different, one uses 10 mm holes on a 180 mm diameter ring gear (MQ) the GQ uses a 12 mmm hole on a 176 mm diameter, what I did was brought a new top hat (cover) for the ARB locker from a GQ ( rd09) and fitted that to my MQ locker (RD04), then redrilled the holes to suit the new top hat, turning the top hat to phase it to inbetween the old holes so I could get a good clean drill, I did this in a mates milling machine, but I think that you dont need to be that accurate, I think you could do it with a normal drill if you marked the hole centers real good. cheers

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:36 pm
by g60ish
thanks guys. well i picked up a mq shorty ute today. so i think ill use the compleate gq driveline in the g60 and all my good mq bits in the ute. thanks for your replys ray