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Ford Bronco's what to look for when Buying????

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:45 pm
by NCpaj

well my mate is pretty much set on buying a ford bronco/ oldish F truck to go 4wding.

All my attempts to tell him that a jap 4x4 (cruiser/patrol) would be easier and cheaper have fallen on deaf ears and he is still keen on the massive lift and big v8.

Ive spoken to him and the best answer i can get is that it will be used for pig hunting and maybe a little bits of hillclimbs/mud plugging.

So what prices do these 4bies normally go for? any common problem?
Are the drivelines stong? easy/cheap to get parts for?

its just i dont know much about american cars/ danas and v8's (lol a simple diesel 6cyl person here :D )

i think it was this one on car sales that he wants :roll: ... =&__N=1216 1246 1247 1252 1282 4294966463 4294966173&seot=0&tsrc=allcarhome&__Nne=15&trecs=15&silo=1011

thanks very much for your help.