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RR Classic gearbox Q

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:05 pm
by matsmad
lookin at buyin an 87 classic but the auto gbox is buggered. How much and where would i get a good one from aroung gold coast? Its a 3.5L V8. Cheers.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:43 pm
by nottie
They do come up on ebay pretty often.
Or try land rover spares up at Gympie as they have excelent service and can send it to you buy courier.
If not then maybe a few on here might have one or know some one in a club like Grimace who is in the gold coast rover club who may know of someone with one to get ride of.
If not then a rebuild may be a better option but can range from $1400 up.
If you do happen to get one from Allen from Gympie rover spares then i may be able to get it to you as i have to make a trip up to him soonish and know a few people from Goldie that i have to catch up with soon.
Hope this helps. If you need Ph numbers then let me know.
Cheers Jamie

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:48 pm
by matsmad
I didnt end up buying it. It was way too much effort to get it to the Gold Coast and was worried about getting a gbox. Thanks.