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TD42 oil flow

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:21 pm
by avagood1
Hows it going.I have a problem with the oil flow or something on my patrol. It's a 89 GQ with TD42 diesel and I've had it for about 5 years and have always changed oil and filters every 5000km . The problem I have and hope someone can help me with is after doing the last change about two weeks ago I noticed the back oil filter looked liked it had no oil in it compared to the other filter what was full.
Anyway I thought I might have got a dodgie filter and after putting new ones on and filling with oil and running for a while they both got warm so I thought all was good.BUT I went to pick my nephew up for some 4x4 over easter and had to go about 200km to pick him up but about 180km in I could smell like burning oil and the temp was about 3/4 so I was about to pull over and she just died. Any way after waiting for it to cool down and topping water up it final started but only running on 4cyl's .
After crawling home at 80km the temp didn't go over half but was blowing heaps of smoke what it didn't do before,so I thought It might have done a head gasket as it seemed to happen so quick so I took the head off but that was fine but the two bores( cyl 3 and 4) that were not firing have scraps like the piston were about to seize and after taking the pistons out the ring are seized in there grooves.
So now I go back to the oil filters the front one was full but the back one was bone dry and filters inside had no black oil looked brand new (filled both before fitting).
I think I could get away with hoaning the bores and fitting new rings but I don't know how the oil filter set up works I've taken the bit off the side of the block the filters fit to, cleaned it and blown air through it and it dosn't seemed to be blocked.
I don't want to put it all back together and hope for the best so I'm hoping someone out there has any ideas on whats going on and can help me out.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:28 am
by msjc38
It sounds like you have got it abit hot & its started to lock up. get the sump off & check the bigeng bearings that will answer your oil question. Is the oil filter draining back over time or is the oil filter empty straight after switching the engine off

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:45 am
by chpd80
what was oil pressure like?
how many kays?
maybe oil pump shat itself and couldnt pump enough pressure?
have you had the sump off recently?

Sounds like the classic, got too hot, piston and ring expands and
starts grabbing the bore. the sloppier the piston in the bore the more
it can expand before grabbing (if it doesnt melt first)

So need to find out why it got hot else it will happen again when you
rebuild it, Definately sounds like an oil issure.

Let us know how you get on.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:34 am
by DanwinGQ
hey guys,
I just found the problem in mine. :cry: Just about finished my turbo and cooler install. I changed the oil the 1st filter was nearly full as usual. 2nd oil filter was almost dry. Normaly they are full and spew out everywhere when you take them off as you all probably know.
Admitedly it has been sitting in the garage for a few weeks without being started.
About 2000k's ago I had all the bearings in the bottom end done, the mechanic put thick oil in it to bed the bearings. When pouring the old oil back into the drum it took forever to go thru the funnel as it was so thick. Was thinking the oil in the front filter was the first to filter with the 2nd to follow and filter finer muck from the oil?? Not sure. is it possible that the thick oil may have been struggling to filter and maybe blocking the 1st filter somewhat and the 2nd just wasnt getting much thru.
After reading the 1st post on this topic I am now a little concerned. Have spent all my money on install and now a little concerned I may have a serious problem. :bad-words:

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:39 am
by DanwinGQ
Stop stressin. I think I'm ok.
My curiosity and concern got the better of me. Went out to the garage and started it. Regardless of the fact it is yet to have an exhaust dump and the cooler pipes are not yet on. (Probly not a good idea!)
After 40 odd seconds I shut it down and pulled off the oil filters. I have never been so happy to see oil from both filters spill all over my starter motor and garage floor.
Sounded pretty tuff might I add. Sweet.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:47 am
by eighty8
What type of oil and filters have you guys been using?.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:18 am
Are you running 2 different filters, one bypass, one non bypass?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:02 pm
by DanwinGQ
Mine runs two of the same filters. I am using castrol GTX diesel oil and just your normal run of the mill filters. Ryco or valvolene that supercheap stock.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:57 pm
by avagood1
I use 2 Ryco filters both the same and Total oil.
Its done 209 000 kms.
The oil pressure gauge was just under half were it always was.
Temp was half way but went up to 3/4 quickly just before it stopped .
I've drivin to Perth 400km heaps and sit on 110-130kms all the way and never seen temp over half .
Ive taken the sump off and taken all pistons out the big end shells look not to bad although are a bit worn but no sign of seizing.
I'm starting to think it must be the oil pump and was wondering if anyone knows if oil pump stops or slows is it the rear filter that is effected first?.
I'm gonna check out the pump next and will probably put in a new one in but I still fell like I'm only guessing and won't feel too good putting it all back together unless I know what happened.
Anyway thanks for all the feedback I'm of to get stuck back into it, hopefully I can find what caused it.
Thanks Heaps!!!.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:06 pm
by DanwinGQ
Let me know how you go as you have put a bit of doubt in my mind as to my second filter. It seemed to be ok this morning. I will have it all going next week and will be able to give it a flogging again. I dont have the mechanical know how to strip down my engine and hope Not to have the same problem as it would cost me a fortune.
Does any one know the order of filtration from the filters. Does one do 3 cylinders and the 2nd filter the other. Or one filter first and then the 2nd filter finer muck?? I dont know and interested to find out..........