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Gq overheating problems. help needed

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:45 pm
by db1891
Fully rebuilt TD42 Turbo in my GQ new head radiator waterpump etc etc. I have a bonnet scoop every thing brand new
Had twin thurmo fans car ran hot above 110km on 40 deg day on a trip had to run at 100kmotherwise temp gauge in the red.
put the original fan assembly back on new fan blade and viscus hub and shielding car ran cooler but got to same temp about 10kms higher. so original fan system better than twin thurmo fans.
I fitted a piece of rubber underneath the car to help with air flow back to the front diff didnt seam to make any difference.
Somebody stated that there is a modified waterpump to slow the water going around the motor and they then run cooler. if so where do i get one from. any other suggestions I can do. Viscous hub is tight and has heabs of silicon in it.

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:07 pm
by patrolla
have you been through any bog holes, ever? perhaps remove the radiator, hold a light behind it and see if you can see through it. a hose out might fix it.

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:30 pm
by PGS 4WD
Most Thermos shoud be turned off above 100 kph, the air flow from the road speed is actually greater and the fans can slow the air through the radiator. Get the radiator out and to a competant shop to do a proper flush, remove a tank and push the capilliaries clean, it is common for the TD42 to block the radiator partially with scale as they are a cast iron block and head.


Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:17 am
by msjc38
How new is engine? Alot of times a new engine will run hot if it has been built a bit tight. It might just need a bit more running in. If you have used a non genuine water pump check water pump cavitation. Also check for air locks,thermostat could be faulty or wrong application use a genuine one. Is it over fueling get it on a dyno check egts they could be too high

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:33 am
by DanwinGQ
I had temp problems with mine when I first got it.
Fitted a new 4 core radiator, New viscous hub fan, high flow thermastat. After fitting some new injecters, fitting a turbo and getting a proper tune I cant even get a quarter out of factory temp guage. Even with aircon cranking towing my camper. Try new thermastat.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:47 pm
by blackops
could be something as simple as the bottom radiator hose distortin under revs due to a bodylift oversight,radiator position could be enough to distort the hose or flow if u have new pump check the impelers flowing the right way?

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:48 pm
by hiy6o
Use a Genuine clutch fan hub and thermostat make sure the radiators cleaned out .