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Challenger antenna replacement?
Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 4:14 pm
by Casey_leonard
Hi all
My 2001 Challenger's antenna has finally karked it.
Has anyone fitted an insert and how easy is it to do and where do I get one, a quick look seems like the LHF inner guard cover and flare has to come off to get to it, would like to stick to the auto up/down power one as getting to old and lazy for the manual and don't want to go to the trouble of fitting an up/down dash switch.
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 8:08 pm
by hudson44
I can only assume the challengers run the same antenna as the Gen 2 Paj's. There is an aftermarket insert made by aerpro Part # AP253. (Know this well as i'm about to change mine for about the 4th time)
It's listed as being for '96 to '99 magna and Pajero. They retail for about the $45 mark. They are an insert only and are reasonably easy to install. If the plastic "drive" has not broken then its just a case of undoing the top and turning on the radio. Insert the new one and turn it off. The only issue arises if some of the plastic has broken and is still in the mechanism, you will have to remove the inner gaurd cover and antenna assembly, pull it apart and remove the excess plastic drive.
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 8:46 pm
by fritzelhund
Thanks for the clue. It seems aerial failure is common among Challengers. Several of the consumer reviews on the net mentioned it.
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 12:30 pm
by Casey_leonard
Hey Hudson, thanks for that.
The Challenger has a different mast I just found out:
7 Section stainless steel mast
Extends to 95cm
Retracted length 20cm
Mast diameter 10mm
Sleeve diameter 11mm
Sleeve length 60mm
Bush diameter 11mm
Mitsubishi part number: MR318477
Couldn't find a listing for non genuine.