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Challenger Antenna Mast fitting Instructions

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 12:26 pm
by Casey_leonard
Hi All
Just finished replacing the antenna mast on my 01 Challenger and though I would share how I did it.
Note: I could not find an after market listing so went genuine.

7 Section stainless steel mast
Extends to 95cm
Retracted length 20cm
Mast diameter 10mm
Sleeve diameter 11mm
Sleeve length 60mm
Bush diameter 11mm

Mitsubishi part number: MR318477

Replacement instructions:

Remove the top mounting nut
Turn on radio and remove the mast along with the attached cord (give it a gentle tug)
Check to see if the cord is broken.

If the cord is broken:

Remove the left front wheel (makers the job a lot easier)
Remove the mud flap
Remove the inner guard cover (undo till centre of arch and fold forward)
Remove the top mounting screw from antenna (if you haven't already done so)
Remove the 2 lower antenna mounting bolts and the 1 earth wire screw
Lower antenna down, peel back plastic water cover and disconnect power plug to free up antenna
leave coax connected
Remove the cover plate from antenna body and remove any foreign material and remains of cord
Reseal cover plate and re-fix to antenna body
Plug in power wire and re-mount antenna leaving the top nut off (see Tip)

Fitting the mast:

Turn radio on and allow to cycle to the top of the stroke
Apply some grease (lightly) to the new antenna's cord and extend antenna fully
fit the cord into the antenna from the top with the cord's teeth facing to the rear of the vehicle till you find some resistance
With slight downward pressure rotate cord so the the teeth are facing the front of the vehicle, the teeth should now be engaged into the drive mechanism
Have someone turn the radio off and feed the cord and mast into the antenna
Refit the top plug and nut, test, all should be well
Refit inner guard and wheel, all done.

Tip: before tightening the antenna's lower mounting bolts temporary fit top nut to make sure that alignment is correct.
Tip: If the cord isn't broken just follow the instructions "Fitting the mast".
