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seat railings??? for my GQ

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 5:57 pm
by Daisy
Gidday fellas.

scored some aerotech seats a while back for my commodore,, then I had a brainwave.. stuff the commodore.. put em in the GQ!!!

Now.. herein lies the problem... :oops:

Removed the seats from the railings.

Had a look at the railings.. they are NOT even.. and i even looked at the GQ factory seat 'mounts' to go onto the railings and one is longer than another.

The problem is.. the AEROTECHS i got are a flat base with no runners. Puttin them on and checkin the level- it leans sideways of course.

Im wondering what other people have done to overcome this problem - eg use washers?? do the bolt holes line up??

Just gettin as much info as i can b4 i try to bolt em up together tmw as ran out of time this arvo to see if they woudl fit (dark)

Cheers and thanks.


Re: seat railings??? for my GQ

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 9:52 pm
by bogged
see how much the mount kit is for GQ.
Mine for Paratus seats was $70 a pr... not worth bolloxing around