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Homemade Bellhouseing

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:51 pm
by one_waz
im possibly buying a 253 for the lux soon, and was wondering if its possible to make a bellhouse to suit, just buy making up 2 flanges and filling the gaps with flatbar or something, ive seen someone on here do something similar with dual transfers, just wondering if anyone has done it before.


Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:23 pm
by RED60
While it is technically possible it would be fairly hillbilly. You also still need to be able to accurately machine the faces to align the gbox and motor. You're probably better off trying to get a bellhousing that fits the motor and making up a plate/adapter that allows to join the gbox on, you may have to cut the back of the original bellhousing and weld new plate on.

If you decide to do either of these, you will need to do a fair bit of measureing before anything. If you can get hold of an existing kit even to measure only, you would be in front....