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rangie dissy problems

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 7:42 pm
by da60
mate has a 86 3.5 rangie with electronic ignition, went for a 4b, wass running a bit rough, took the rotor button off cleaned it and tried to put it back in but the rotor cap would not locate down properly again,messed with it for 1/2 hour no luck. It was about 1mm too high to locate properly, got cap on just, started run for 2 secs, and bang goes to rotor. Bush fixed it, run for 2 km, then flat towed for 70km, oh the fun and joy, lucky it's flat coming out of Abercrombie NOT. Any help would be appreciated!!

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 10:39 pm
by RaginRover
well i am thinking you will need a new rotor and probably a new cap
and make sure you locate it properly this time, there must be something stuck on the outer edge of the dizzy housing that is stopping you locating the cap check it out and clean it up.

There are two small notches that should line up, my old rangie was tight to get the dizzy cap on, make sure you haven't moved the dizzy around clock wise or anti clock wise because it will have changed the timing.

Good Luck
