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patrol diff in front of hilux

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:59 pm
i did a quick search and couldnt find what i was looking for and i remember reading something about it in hypolux build thread sometime ago...anyway....

when fitting GQ coil diff to the front of a Leaf spring hilux and maintaining the leaf springs does the right hand perch sit on the pumkin or the axle tube?

Does the drag link fit on to the standard GQ knuckle or do you need a hysteer arm on the left hand side to clear the leaf spring?

does anyone, like superior, make the perches to suit?

any pic's would be good as i cant find any.


Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:48 pm
by Breaker Brother
From memory the Pumpkin will sit right under the chassis rail. (and under the spring perch)
You'll also need to do a IFS steering box conversion with a custom Drag link to mate the two breeds, most places that sell Hi-steer setups should be able to fix you up with that.

Having looked at the same conversion in the past, Can I ask why a GQ ?

if it's strength your after your trading a weakish centre & CV's for weak CV's if you comp it with big tyres, you'll still need CroMo CV's and Axles for the Nissan.

Two other alternatives are 60 series front (takes all the hilux outer hardware and solves the centre issue) with CroMo CV's or CroMo CV's in the hilux housing with a really good R&Pinion, both options are a lot lighter than the Nissan Unit and won't give you a stupid amount of track increase

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:23 pm
i ended up getting a pair of GU's with 4.625 gears. I went with the nissans cause they were a reasonable price and less than gearing the hilux diffs up to 4.88 or the like front and rear. I had 5.29 in the past and never really had a problem with strenght but thought buy the time i buy histeer arms, cv's, ifs hubs and inners it would be more cost effective to go to the nissans and fit a pair of air lockers.

I have started making a hysteer arm for the left hand side, your right the drag link would pass right through the leaf spring so i am rising it about 40mm on the knuckle. Basically where the drag link would normally attach im running a bolt straight up to a "hysteer" arm that bolts to the top of the knuckle and changing the rod end to a hemi joint and fitting sleves over the bolt to suit.

As for the perches the left hand side is sweet but the right hand sits just over half way up the pumpkin and will give about 30mm of lift due to the position on the housing that the pearch would need to be welded. ( make sense? ) Im currently considering widening the springs to suit, but have to put alittle more thought into this. I will also be fitting an 80's booster.