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Lifting the front of a Feroza Diff

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:07 pm
by MightyMouse
Anyone who has used a Feroza hard has seen just how vulnerable the front diff can be when the factory skid plate gets bent up.

Obviously a stronger skid plate will help but the leading edge of the diff is still vulnerable.

When you look at the diff mounts you'll see the rubber donuts are quite thick and effectively space the diff down.

Its quite easy to take the rubber bush from the forward facing mount and thin the donut that goes between the arm and chassis down substantially from around 20mm stock to less than 10mm.

This pull the leading edge of the diff up - ok its not meters..... but every bit helps. You'll need to shorten the internal crush tube with a hacksaw and use a shorter bolt but its no great engineering task.

If your keen you could do the side mounts as well but there's less to be gained as it doesn't significantly effect the leading edge.

Doesn't seem to contribute to noise / vibration but then again I've got LOTS of tire noise already so ............