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front drive shaft slip yoke came appart?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:54 pm
by YN67highlux
was out the track tonite in a creek and my front drive shaft came appart :bad-words: i have a 2inch lift and 2 inch ext shackles, when i bought the shackles i was told by supplyer that i only needed 25mm drive shaft spacer witch is in. is this long enough? this has only happened once and car was really articulating. also noticed my drag link was hitting my u bolt for leaf when wheel is up in the gaurd? its a drop drag link and a flat u bolt wt?
thank for your help

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:00 pm
by 4RUNNER_01
hey mate,

All been answered many times before, but front shaft's dont have much movement before the come apart. Either get a bigger spacer or make a new slip joint out of box tube depends how much movement it needs.

As for draglink just seems some people get away with it and some don't, i got sick of the steering binding up and went crossover, its fairly pricey but worth it imo.
