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Rules Jamborree 2003

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 8:08 pm
by Dozoor
Didn't want to have a Bitch, but ha who am I . :D

Now the rules are out for the jamborree 2003 at dunnedoo.
My problem well not mine but for suzuki drivers of reasnably stock condition,
If you own a sierra with a rockhopper you are in super modified ,
You will be in the same class as vehicles running 36 in tires and lockers.
If you don't have a rockhopper ,but have lift you will run against cars with limited slip diffs in modified.

I always compete in super modified and love it .

But it grieves me to think of the guys that cure one of the zooks first prioritys, gearing and are running posibly the smalest tires avialable on a 4x have to endure the misinformed experts that create unusable and grossly unfiar classing on there first attempt at competition .

THis is my opinion and if there be anybody that can justify such classing please let me know WHY.?


Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 8:19 pm
by redzook
is this the dunnedoo
out near dubbo???

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 6:09 pm
by thunder
as i remember it used to be the slowest to the furthest point won.....
But is there r cars with only lower gears and no lockers ,,it doesnt seem fair to run in higher class......
its half ok 4 me as i dont get f###ed for having 5 link front end but am in super modified with lower gears and 1 locker(will now save for 2nd locker) to be competative in that class.....steve


Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 9:01 pm
by hypo
redzook wrote:is this the dunnedoo
out near dubbo???

yes mate it is..

and i recognise the background in ya avi mate i been 2 stocko lots :)

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 7:32 am
by Liam
If you own a sierra with a rockhopper you are in super modified ,
You will be in the same class as vehicles running 36 in tires and lockers.
If you don't have a rockhopper ,but have lift you will run against cars with limited slip diffs in modified.

That cracks me up. I bet this rule is supported by the same knuckledraggers who'll say gearing isn't important, ( ' I dont need no stinkin geerin , me and cleetus got us a v8" ) They'll bag the product, complain about cost, claim they're made can make them for $7.50, give "expert' opinions, and then they'll be all for a rule like this.

Pretty good publicity though, can't wait to see a rulebook that specifically singles us out.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 1:11 pm
by bj on roids
Liam wrote:That cracks me up. I bet this rule is supported by the same knuckledraggers who'll say gearing isn't important, ( ' I dont need no stinkin geerin , me and cleetus got us a v8" )

HEY....I resemble that remark :finger:

plus, you can take more advantage of your torque curve at higher revs :finger: