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What are the jeeps like
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:36 pm
by Bastler
Hey all. Just wanted to know how the jeep Cherokee would compare to the gq gu or an 80 series?
I dont really know anything about jeeps so just looking for an idea. They seem to be rather cheap and I can get a Jeep with some leather and a few luxuries that is a 98-00 model for 8-10k. Which is alot cheaper then my other options.
Just looking for some opinions cheers all.
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:07 pm
by da60
I currently have a XJ and as you mentioned they are good value for money.
I had a 5" lifted GQ patrol and my 3" lifted XJ does everything the GQ did except real deep ruts 2-3 foot full flex type.
The Nissan had a better LSD but the jeep has far better low range.
Climbing real steep stuff is easier in the jeep compared to the GQ. (2.02 compared to 2.72 low range)
The Jeeps don't like drivers that drive by throttle instead of picking the right line (XJ's have a dana 35 real axle) but I was never that type of driver anyways.
Just did a trip out through lake Lyall to the highway via some real steep stuff and the nissan guy's were suprised how easy the jeep climbs. (good tyres/suspension and deep low range)
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:23 pm
by Bastler
Hmm thanks mate thats interesting to hear. What I didn want to hear was that it would compare to a Pajero or a Prado or something along those lines. The XJ are currently looking very promising.
More opinions would be great. Thanks mate.
Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:11 pm
by AussieCJ7
In my view
Price win to Jeep
Engine and Gear box win to Jeep
Suspension win to Jeep
Axles win to Nissan ( TJ D44 rears have got very cheap and make a very very easy swap)
After market support win to Jeep
If you have teenage kids or want adults to sit in the back win to Nissan or Toyota but if you have small kids and dont want a land barge to drive every day win to Jeep
So based on this yes the jeep has a couple of weaknesses but if you know them the after market can fix most of it
Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:29 pm
by Bastler
Thats good to know thanks mate. I am just so surprised how cheap they are and Im not sure why. Compared to the wrangler that holds its value really well.
No kids the back is going to be gutted seats out and im going to set it up for big camping trips.
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:21 pm
by dirrtyxj
they are cheap for a reason man.
its american, harldly anyone (mechanics) really know or should i say could be assed to actually work out how to fix some of the niggling little issues associated with them.
most people see a jeep and run. but aside from some of the bad publicity that comes with the 99-04 grand chorekee range such as computer dramas, the xj is a tough little rig. plus havin coverted two of my mates from toyota's to xj's is massive win for me!!!!
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:58 pm
by Syco
dirrtyxj wrote:they are cheap for a reason man.
its american, harldly anyone (mechanics) really know or should i say could be assed to actually work out how to fix some of the niggling little issues associated with them.
most people see a jeep and run. but aside from some of the bad publicity that comes with the 99-04 grand chorekee range such as computer dramas, the xj is a tough little rig. plus havin coverted two of my mates from toyota's to xj's is massive win for me!!!!
THe fact they are American is also a good thing. The yanks like yank cars, they have a huge population and thus there is a huge amount of cheap parts you can mail order from the States, also there is a huge amount of information online for them to tell you how to fix anything yourself without needing to pay a mechanic.
I'd steer clear of early new-shape's though for sure. Always try to get one that's towards the end of their model range (ie for a grand you'd want a 97/98 or 03/04) as they are known for recalls early in the ranges.
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:49 pm
by Bastler
Syco wrote:dirrtyxj wrote:they are cheap for a reason man.
its american, harldly anyone (mechanics) really know or should i say could be assed to actually work out how to fix some of the niggling little issues associated with them.
most people see a jeep and run. but aside from some of the bad publicity that comes with the 99-04 grand chorekee range such as computer dramas, the xj is a tough little rig. plus havin coverted two of my mates from toyota's to xj's is massive win for me!!!!
THe fact they are American is also a good thing. The yanks like yank cars, they have a huge population and thus there is a huge amount of cheap parts you can mail order from the States, also there is a huge amount of information online for them to tell you how to fix anything yourself without needing to pay a mechanic.
I'd steer clear of early new-shape's though for sure. Always try to get one that's towards the end of their model range (ie for a grand you'd want a 97/98 or 03/04) as they are known for recalls early in the ranges.
Thanks mate thats really handy to know.
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:14 pm
by dexter09
as for parts though you can get some sent to you from the states for a jeep, or you could get a toyota and get them within five minute drives from your house.
Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:58 pm
by Bastler
dexter09 wrote:as for parts though you can get some sent to you from the states for a jeep, or you could get a toyota and get them within five minute drives from your house.
Yeh well aware of how easy it is to get parts for cruisers and patrols but they are twice the price. Still just weighing up my options. Hey if it were up to just me I would just finace a Hummer (i know i know but i cant resist them)
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:24 pm
by Wooders
dexter09 wrote:as for parts though you can get some sent to you from the states for a jeep, or you could get a toyota and get them within five minute drives from your house.
Or you could just order them in Australia and have them delivered to your door so you don't even need to walk to the car.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:37 am
by jeepinjoejoe
dexter09 wrote:as for parts though you can get some sent to you from the states for a jeep, or you could get a toyota and get them within five minute drives from your house.
i get all my jeep parts within a 2 min drive of my house, and despite the rumours from people with no experience with Jeeps, no they arent expensive in comparison with Jap parts.
Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:29 pm
by xjdavid
you cant compare a pajaro of prado to a XJ. the XJ is far far superior off road. they are very basic to work on and parts are easy and cheap to source. XJs are the best kept secret out there. I put a TJ 44 in mine to run 32s and twin lockers. If you want more room then you would have to look elseware.
Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:23 pm
by Skywolf101
I've owned both Toyotas & Nissans, they both have there ups/downs. I've now got a ZJ blown away by the capability.
As for parts he has already said parts are readily available just goggle
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:26 am
by xjsteve
if your still trying to make a decicion, the xj is a mid size 4wd my xj parked next to my mates nissan xtrail are the same size, if your removing the rear seats you can fit a bit of gear into the back, the 4ltr motor is a thirsty petrol and i havent herd much good about the deisel models, from what i understand jeeps are cheap because of the stigma that goes along with them, they got a bad rep early on in austrailia with parts suply and stuff but that has majorly improved these days you can get anything you want for them now, the 4ltr gets hot and more so driving sand alot, a tranny cooler helps and so do bonnet vents or raising the back of the bonnet, i would look at a zg,zj if i were you maby a bit more pricey but have coils all round, i paid 4g for my xj and 6g for my zj the xj was standard and the zj was lifted with double locks and motor and tranny work, good luck with your decision