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06 3L wagon auto. To Chip or not to Chip?
Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:35 pm
by Bingham
Well look threw a heap of threads and all a bit vague.... Never really thought seriously bout these but 3 boys all at "top of big red have nearly convinced me". Always thought they were a bit hokey pokey and $2500 fitted.
These lads talking up "rapid" brand unit $1450 fitted by mmsm (all dyno sheets before and after) or something motorsport in bris?.
So question time.
1) are these units worthwhile or not?
2)can they be interchangeable eg next one will be 09 model same truck say?
3)is the longevity of the motor going to be comprimised?
4)boys talked of 89 - 109 hp on dyno sheets? so for arguements sake 15- 20% increase still fark all but any help is a help.
5)what would say the 2 main brands be so i can research and compare.
6)car not in warranty anymore but if was would this affect warranty?
7)those who have done as wrapped with difference as these random lads at big red?
Yes i know its a 3L and your 88 4.2 with 600 000km is much better
Cheers in advance.
Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:43 pm
by macneil
mate go a dpchip or stienbawer or whater ever it is.. the dpchip comes with easy instructions to follow yourself.. does make a fair bit of difference..
would effect warranty but if you know how to put it in you know how to take it out..
provided you have a crd now it would fit a newer crd..
deffinatly worth it tho my mum has one so does my brother.. dp chip having 10 settings is handy turn it to about 7 and it will blow a little smoke but makes it get up and dance..
and for the life span.. well mate its a 3l who knows when its going to go pop..
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:40 am
by RN
Work collague has a 2004 3 litre Gu. Motor went katwang...He had a chip installed and something caused the engine to over boost and over fuel causing heat build up. Melted the head gasket Blew the turbo, I/C , damaged the head.
My opinion of the 3 litre is an engine in the wrong body. Over worked...agricultural .....
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:50 am
by hienuf
I dont own a 3 litre diesel but Im starting to see a pattern. Most of the modded zd30's go bang way before a stocker does.
Is it just me

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:33 am
i have an 02 manual 3.0L with a chip that went pop. i think it was more the conditions i was driving as to why it blew up as to blaming the chip.
its a safari d-tronic, have been told that it is the better of the few out there but hey who knows. i got mass improvements, mainly once actually moving. for eg. sitting on the highway at 100, put my foot down and got to 130-140 before i new it. even towing a car trailer with a comp hilux on it up hills was a dream, drop back too 4th and it just held its speed.
if going to put one in i would definetly fit a boost gauge and pyro and block that stupid egr.
after having it for a while i fried my clutch on the beach and got a solid flywheel and heavy duty clutch put in it instead of the dual mass flywheel and this mad the low down take off soo much better. no more having to straddle the clutch to get it going.
this is just from my experience anyway so it may be different for an auto.
BTW this stuff is for sale tooo

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:06 am
by Bingham
car just hit 100 and will be sold bout 160 or 70 but if there was a 5% chance i thought it would contribute to a tick tick boom it will not be going in.....
anyone that has had one in a truck long term?
Truck is driven full noise all day every day and really want to avoid further increasing the chances of blowing the boss's truck.

as i dont want to pay for new motor
Mainly when loaded is just that bit to doey for my liking.
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:41 am
by JWB
Bingham wrote:car just hit 100 and will be sold bout 160 or 70 but if there was a 5% chance i thought it would contribute to a tick tick boom it will not be going in.....
anyone that has had one in a truck long term?
Truck is driven full noise all day every day and really want to avoid further increasing the chances of blowing the boss's truck.

as i dont want to pay for new motor
Mainly when loaded is just that bit to doey for my liking.
Just get easy "plug n play Type" and go for it
If it lets go then un-plug it, then call the boss and ask where
he wants it taken for repair.
SHHHHHHHHHHH we wont tell him

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:51 am
by RN
if going to put one in i would definetly fit a boost gauge and pyro and block that stupid egr.
Work colleague is also having EGT monitor fitted with an alarm that will sound when things start to go pearshape. My boss has a Navara with the same motor and he hasn't had the same problems, ( gear box) Perhaps it 's because the Navara is much lighter and the motor doesn't work as hard.
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:08 am
by macneil
RN wrote:Work collague has a 2004 3 litre Gu. Motor went katwang...He had a chip installed and something caused the engine to over boost and over fuel causing heat build up. Melted the head gasket Blew the turbo, I/C , damaged the head.
My opinion of the 3 litre is an engine in the wrong body. Over worked...agricultural .....
thats how all of the engines go boom isnt it?
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:06 pm
from what i have read on here, andi think those who want to know should find the writeup, explains everything into how it all happens, but its the egr (exhaust gas recirculation), which screws up some sensors and makes the motor do whacky things causing overboosting and all sorts of nasty stuff.
an easy way to see if its been happening is take of the massive plastice cover on top and look around the seems of the intercooler, if theres an oily stain typ thing, will generally its already started over boosting causeing the intercooler to leak blowby.
i tell everyone i meet now, who has the motor, about my experiences, and tell them to either think about selling or do the basic things to prevent it.
its not always from flogging the car either, they are just a dudd motor and makes me soooo angry that nissan do F all about it

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:08 pm
by tritontray
My 2.7tdi leaks a bit at the intercooler sometimes. Does that mean it is going to crap itself as well? Anyone got a 4.2 TDi that leaks a little? Maybe a 2.8TD as well? There is a ridiculous amount of talk about these Zd30's, and the fact people keep asking about whats wrong with them even after doing all the reading that is out there still says to me that no one really knows what and why these things are going bang, and the people reading the info can't correllate an of it either to come up with an answer why they keep going bang.
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:48 pm
by IN24BZ
they do overboost , the screws do fall out of the oil pumps housing to be minced by the gear drive , the aiflow meters are shit, the intercoolers are just as shit as that, the turbos are shit ,the injector pumps are shit, the egr system is shit , the oil squirter design is shit , that bung at the front of the sump that blanks of the oil galery and always leaks is shit also i could go on all day , my advice dont chip it , people have varying sucess with these engines after they add a million after market guages to monitor the bomb before it goes boom , 4.2 intercoolers usualy dont leak like a 3 litre one nor do 2.8s but 2.8s crack heads so that leaves the 4.2 wich everyone knows is the most reliable engine of all and im pretty sure everyone would agree you can screw more power out of also unless you like being wounded by the flying shrapnel of the zd30 handgrenade when ir goes off or unless you want to own a bulletproof petrol and put up with the fuel bill.. did i say in there somewhere dont chip it , bad idea.
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:54 am
by bushytas
i dont think the 06 to 09 engines go bang well i havent read of it yet.
i get on well with the guys in nissan and i know they would tell me if they had problems with anything after 05.
but i wouldnt go chipping it because i can see a class action going on with nissan sometime over all this and when its won i know they wont pay out on moded engines
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:01 pm
by Bingham
of course couple of shops i spoke with talked them up.....
butt not massively conviced either way now..... may just have to do for now! as it is.
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:52 pm
by PGS 4WD
We use the Rapid as it is an excellent chip with the ability to tune from hand controller (at certain fitters). If set up on the dyno like we do keeping check on EGT's it is a good thing. It works best with exhaust and boost modifications to remove boost spike issues due to additional fuelling.