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Upgrading Battery + Alternator in Sierra
Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:00 pm
by foonji
Have had a read through various topics on the subject and answered most of my questions. however still pondering on a few...
Pulleys... What choices do I have for putting on a Ford 110amp for a straight swap to suit the sierra V belt??
Regulator... I will be putting in a Optima D34M, do I need to make any special adjustments or mods for charging the optima?
Wiring... I will be upgrading the wiring to heavier gauges, but from what I've gathered, you just connect up the alt the same as stock. or is there a better way?
Thanks for the help!
Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:47 pm
by Pezooki
Ho Foonji,
Pulleys- I went down to my local wreckers who let me go through a huge pile of alternator pulleys until I found one that fitted. I am just running the standard v-belt. So far I have had no problems, but I know others who have thrown a belt or two.
Regulator- The reg is built into the Falcon alternator. No mods required here at all. Just hook it all up, the D34M (an excellent choice) will fit like a glove.
Wiring- I hooked mine up as stock, but I fitted a heavier gauge charge cable between the alt and the battery. You should run a fuseable link here too, but I went without it (not the best idea, but I'm confident with my wiring!)
I hope that helps!
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:01 am
by foonji
Hey Pezooki, Thanks for the reply.
Ok, will have to have a look at the wreckers for the pulley and see what I find, unless anyone knows of a direct fit from a another car.
If I was to swap to a multi rib setup, is there any known replacements for the rest?
Ok, so you just added the extra charge cable straight to + batt?
Thanks again

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:16 am
by Pezooki
I have a feeling that there is a V pulley getting around that is known to fit. It might be off an earlier model Falcon.. Hopefully someone here can help to clarify that. Do a search too, cos the details will definitely be hidden in this forum somewhere!
I have no idea what my pulley is off - Sorry!
There is a tried and tested multi rib setup - I'm pretty sure you can use the pulleys off a Vitara, Swift or a Baleno??? Do a search on this - it must have been covered many times I'm sure!
Oh and yes, my charge cable goes straight to + batt.
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:44 am
by foonji
Haha ok, I'll go through another search for those items. Its like finding buried treasure!
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:11 am
by Pezooki
Although sometimes buried treasure is easier to find!
Good luck,
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:18 pm
by foonji
from what ive understood you need the crank pulley from a swift and water pump pulley from a Vitara and you can use the sierra waterpump.
But if you change your waterpump then go for a swift one and use all swift pulleys and even a swift alt as they have a bigger amp rating compared to the sierra.
I could be wrong so double check with someone they says they know.
Found this,...Is there any difference between the sierra and swift water pumps? (besides the obvious pulley) i.e works better?
Just trying to see if its worth swapping over the water pump while I'm doing it
Does any one know any specific years? cos Im guessing they wouldn't all be the same pulleys..