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Purchasing a 2000 Jak TDI, any tips?

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:18 am
by Brunsy
im getting myself a fourby again, gone is the lifted chopped and grubby GQ shorty. Wife says i can get somthing niceish. Well the jacks look like surpringly good value. I imagine the Isuzu is a fairly good motor, im looking at getting one with no more than 200K. What sort of life do these engines/gbox have if treated well? any tips or advice woul be much appreciated.


Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:11 pm
by buddah_04
if its a 3l td, DONT, i work for holden, there hard to get parts for, most parts have become obsolete, even being up to 2004, they have prob with injectors, injector harnes, rail oil pres sensors and ecms, just the main few anyway.

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:16 am
by Havabigjuan
mate had one but it had low k's (i mean 43k when he got it)and it was an awesome truck

problem with them is alot of the engine runs off oil pressure and they NEED good oil up to them constantly otherwise it is the begining of the end

as with above comment, I knew they had injector seal problems and a recall on injectors

find a 3.1 litre diesel, not as powerful but more reliable from what I gather