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Oil leak from transfer case in hilux?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:06 pm
by chriso88
Gday, ive got a 93 2.8L lux, and its started leaking from where the front shaft goes into it. How hard is it to do at home, and wat tools would be needed. is it just a seal in it? cheers for all ur help in advance

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:57 pm
by ferrit
Input or Drive shaft?

If its input, its a prick of a job, drop the transfer. If its just the drive shaft, go to CBC and ask for a front output seal assembly (should be a steel bit, Fibre ring and the actual rubber seal).

Drop the oil fron the transfer, Then undo your front drive shaft (this can be a prick if you still have the Cardin scatter shield in place- may have to drop the crossmember) Drop that off, use a 32mm socket to undo the output shaft nut (dont bother un-staking it, just put it into 4wd and 1st gear and put a breaker bar onto it, and it will come off) Remove the flange, Undo the 4 12mm bolts that hold the front bearing cover on, knock it off gently, put it on a bench, replace the seal assembly, check the flange for any bad pitting or wear rings. If its REALLY badly worn, you may have to get a speedy sleeve or a new flange.

install is reverse of removal :D

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:03 pm
by chriso88
thank u very much... its the shaft thats going into it, looks like the front tail shaft? if that makes sense. so its do able from home? is it generally just the seal

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:04 pm
by chriso88
wait... is the input the one that chooses high and low? if so, then its not that.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:04 pm
by yamaha__308
chriso88 wrote:wait... is the input the one that chooses high and low? if so, then its not that.
No. Sounds like the output seal. Just do what ferrit said.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:20 pm
by chriso88
yea. it was actually a 30mm socket, but it all went well, but im now waiting on a dust lease and collar