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Does anyone know if
Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:44 pm
by bludger
Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:58 pm
by Dodgy Dave
That's a T3 Garret Turbo found on the RB30 and FJ20 not the RB20 (twin T 25's). Would it suit the 4.2L, Yes, If it's due for a rebuild, have it highflowed with a T4 compressor and enjoy a much smoother boost curve throughout the rev range, and of course extra ponies.
I had that setup on an FJ20 in an old bluebird about 8 years ago running about 18psi. Netted ~180kw with a basic tune on ULP.
In standard form, for a 4.2L, I would expect boost to come on very quickly but drop off higher in the rev range, resembeling an atshmatic.
Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:04 pm
by bludger
thanks mate have you got any pics of your set up and this has got intercooler with it too i'll put a pic up

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:20 pm
by Dodgy Dave
That looks like a cut down truck core welded together.. Toss it in the bin and get one that has the flow to suit the turbo. Have a look on for some "reasonably priced" Front mounts that are of decent quality.
Truck Intercoolers are ment for truck turbo's.
In saying that I had one on the Bluebird and it restricted power and didn't cool as efficiently
Unfortunatly I can't find my old Datto's photo's. That thing use to get me in all sorts of trouble...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:32 pm
by bludger
thanks again mate any other info we will come in handy dont know about turbos still learning
Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:55 pm
by Dodgy Dave
The only other thing, To get the most out of it, You might want to look into aftermarket ECU options. Depends on who tunes it, They can tune it to your needs.
My previous hotted up turbo car, I had seperate maps for different occasions. Max power map for track day's, A fuel efficent "everyday driving" map. And a DISABLE map which I put on when I had to leave it at a workshops, restricts all power and only allows 3psi.
I also had an electronic boost controller which was able to preset a certain boost pressure per gear. 1st gear 4psi 2nd gear 8psi 3rd gear 15psi 4th gear.. Unleash hell.... 22psi
You would have to modify the sump for the turbo drain back pipe.
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:20 am
by bludger
thanks for the info Dodgey Dave i'm going to start looking into it
this is the first time i have able to get on outers site there is something wrong with this site

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:08 am
by bigcam
the cooler looks like an AVO stage 2 or two series 4/5 rx7 cores welded together, not a truck core as they would flow the other way.
the turbo looks like a T3 from an r33 skyline, the dump pipe matches up with the mounting position of the imports, the fj20/rb30 the dump pipe runs directly downward when the turbine housing flange is horizontal and facing upward.
i would think it would be too small for a patrol 4.2 litre, they are a .64 exhaust housing from memory and about a 50 trim compressor wheel, it will work and be on boost very early but will start to run out of flow after about 3000 rpm.
i would look for a t3 highflow from a vl, with a P trim exhaust or at the least a back cut sierra stage 2 exhaust wheel and a decent comp wheel (a v trim or close) or a gt3540 from an xr6 is almost perfectly suited to a petrol 4.2 with its .85 exhaust housing.