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poor mitsubishi service (resolved)
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:58 pm
by andy1517
My brother has just ordered 2010 triton, and waiting for it to arrive.
Guy at the Mitsubishi stand at the 2009 RV show at sandown has made him possibly change his mind. He was rude, arrogant, and I hate to sa it, but a typical salesman!
We both walked away disgusted with his service. He was actually doing Mitsubishi a DIService to their brand.
What an idiot. Guys at NISSAN were brilliant, and may be awarded with a sale.
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:03 pm
by lux_095
that is so awesome I felt the need to read it twice

Re: poor mitsubishi service
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:19 pm
by bogged
andy1517 wrote:Guys at NISSAN were brilliant, and may be awarded with a sale.
wait till he has to
deal with a nissan dealer..
have a look here for some reads on dealing with them.
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:52 pm
by want33s
Salesmen are all as bad as each other but at least Nissan have a good product (ZD30 excluded).
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:53 pm
by bigbear
Before you buy a car from them, take in some really crap food your wife or someone has made, and ask them to try it, then after the sale do it again and see if they eat it still lol.
Salesman, I used to be one, even I changed my tune after taking the cash

Re: poor mitsubishi service
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:54 pm
by JWB
andy1517 wrote:My brother has just ordered 2010 triton, and waiting for it to arrive.
Guy at the Mitsubishi stand at the 2009 RV show at sandown has made him possibly change his mind. He was rude, arrogant, and I hate to sa it, but a typical salesman!
We both walked away disgusted with his service. He was actually doing Mitsubishi a DIService to their brand.
What an idiot. Guys at NISSAN were brilliant, and may be awarded with a sale.
Ring or email the dealer principal / sales Manager direct with your thoughts.
The need to know how some of their team act towards potential customers
They need feed back! otherwise how can they correct an attitude??
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:18 pm
by grimbo
so your brother is going to cancel an order for a vehicle because one person at a stand at a show was rude to you? Maybe you should have told this guy to either pull his head in or ask to speak to the manager or person in charge then and there rather than come onto a forum a whine about it.
What are you hoping to achieve by whinging about it here and changing vehicles? That guy wont be affected one bit. Your brother will get a vehicle that obviously wasn't his first choice for whatever reasons. So your brother loses out and the guy is still a knob.
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:33 pm
x2 with JWB and Grimbo[/quote]
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:46 pm
by bru21
how good / bad a salesman handles anything during the sale can make you / your mate decide which way to go vehicle wise escapes me. You are buying the car that you have to live with for years, not a relationship with a dealer. Choose the car you want then the best place to buy.
I never deal with dealers after the sale is made they are all shit, and are lucky if I take up the frist "free" service. If they wern't pushy or greasy they wouldn't be car dealers. (generally speaking, sure some are nice / do job well).
The worst I have delt with are suzuki dealers in qld.
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:14 pm
by bogged
bru21 wrote:You are buying the car that you have to live with for years, not a relationship with a dealer..
Think Grenade owners. A good relationship with the dealer has helped some people save thousands.
The dealers attitude maybe the difference between gettin a $20,000 warranty job done, and them not really going into bat for you with the mothership and making life easy...
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:23 pm
by grimbo
bogged wrote:bru21 wrote:You are buying the car that you have to live with for years, not a relationship with a dealer..
Think Grenade owners. A good relationship with the dealer has helped some people save thousands.
The dealers attitude maybe the difference between gettin a $20,000 warranty job done, and them not really going into bat for you with the mothership and making life easy...
true but this was some random dude on a stand at an ARV show. hardly the person you'd be wanting to make a relationship with. The person you buy/order the vehicle from is the one you want to be friendly and on good terms with.
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:27 pm
Dealers attitude has nothing to do with a manufacturer authorising repairs...
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:05 pm
by LUX90
Sorry SCANAS but coming from working inside a dealership the relationship between a dealer and a customer does come into it.
There are long term customers who will get things through warranty that are borderline or not warranty at all, simply because of their long standing relationship with dealerships.
There are people who will get little or no help on a warranty issues because the car has never seen a dealership in its life other than warranty issues.
In a way I guess it is looking after the people who look after you.
I know there are times when this means nothing though and they wipe their hands of life long customers.
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:17 pm
I agree LUX90, there are repairs that get put through when borderline but it's the manufacturer who decides, the dealer has no say, it's not the dealer who warrants the vehicle (in the case of new car warranty) it's the manufacturer and they don't give dealers money to spend on customers cars they just happen to like.
It's not their long standing relationships with the dealer that gets them through it's their long standing relationship with the manufacturer that gets them through. Part of which is servicing at a dealer.
I've worked for numerous brands they are all different....
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:18 pm
by ajsr
good luck cancelling that legally biding contract after the 3 days cooling off period.
besides you and bro need to grow a pair if your going to cancel an order just because some tool you don't even know hurt your precious feelings
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:20 pm
by bru21
bogged wrote:bru21 wrote:You are buying the car that you have to live with for years, not a relationship with a dealer..
Think Grenade owners. A good relationship with the dealer has helped some people save thousands.
The dealers attitude maybe the difference between gettin a $20,000 warranty job done, and them not really going into bat for you with the mothership and making life easy...
True if you are worried about kicking up a stink and rely on a dealer - but I haven't come across one I think would sort it.
If I had a grenade motor I would get the work done - just work your way up the tree till you get to the apples! Bingham got a new garbox out of warranty period by talking turkey.
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:04 am
by jasonw
ajsr wrote:good luck cancelling that legally biding contract after the 3 days cooling off period.
not sure if its the same now but 10ish years ago i signed up a new car after lots of pressure from the dealer. after going home and thinking about it a bit more i rang them the next day and told them i wanted out using the 3 day cooloing off period, i was then told sorry sonny their is no cooling off period on new cars!!!!!!!! i was threatened with coart etc but settled on buying a used car off them. mind you they gave me an extra $1,000 on my trade in.
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:16 pm
by bogged
jasonw wrote:after going home and thinking about it a bit more i rang them the next day and told them i wanted out using the 3 day cooloing off period, i was then told sorry sonny their is no cooling off period on new cars!!!!!!!! i was threatened with coart etc but settled on buying a used car off them..
so they bluffed you into buying something you didnt want - a used car.. awesome work!
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:42 am
by andy1517
well finally the time has arrived...Mitsubishi are pathetic!
Went from delivery in early october, to now January for a diff locked Triton.
The whole idea of under promise over deliver is something Mitsubishi DON'T use.
In turn, they have lost the sale, and My brother has bought SR5 diesel, delivery is 3 days. My brother is out of pocket a little bit more, but has ended up with a better car.
Thanks to Mitsubishi who made us see the light, and good luck to anyone who has one on order. As they have said they can only offload 70 cars per day and have them ready. Mitsubishi are useless in my books from this experience, and I would be asking for a firm date next time.
Mitsubishi fully refunded the deposit as even they admitted their poor service.
Bitch = Over
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:58 am
by toaddog
Why is this even in tech?
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:43 am
by andy1517
Why is this even in tech?
Its we're Mods put it...
Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:20 am
by Bluefreak
andy1517 wrote:
My brother has bought SR5 diesel, delivery is 3 days. My brother is out of pocket a little bit more, but has ended up with a better car.
If it's better, why the hell didn't he order it in the first place...???
Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:32 am
by -Scott-
Bluefreak wrote:andy1517 wrote:
My brother has bought SR5 diesel, delivery is 3 days. My brother is out of pocket a little bit more, but has ended up with a better car.
If it's better, why the hell didn't he order it in the first place...???
Because when he ordered the Triton, he'd only looked at the Hilux price. The Toyota salesman hadn't had the opportunity to tell him it was better.
Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:36 am
by jasonw
andy1517 wrote:well finally the time has arrived...Mitsubishi are pathetic!
Went from delivery in early october, to now January for a diff locked Triton.
The whole idea of under promise over deliver is something Mitsubishi DON'T use.
In turn, they have lost the sale, and My brother has bought SR5 diesel, delivery is 3 days. My brother is out of pocket a little bit more, but has ended up with a better car.
Thanks to Mitsubishi who made us see the light, and good luck to anyone who has one on order. As they have said they can only offload 70 cars per day and have them ready. Mitsubishi are useless in my books from this experience, and I would be asking for a firm date next time.
Mitsubishi fully refunded the deposit as even they admitted their poor service.
Bitch = Over
so you wern't prepared to wait for a difflocked triton but are happy with a non difflocked hilux

as for a better car time will tell i suppose
Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:05 pm
by Bluefreak
-Scott- wrote:Bluefreak wrote:andy1517 wrote:
My brother has bought SR5 diesel, delivery is 3 days. My brother is out of pocket a little bit more, but has ended up with a better car.
If it's better, why the hell didn't he order it in the first place...???
Because when he ordered the Triton, he'd only looked at the Hilux price. The Toyota salesman hadn't had the opportunity to tell him it was better.

Thanks Scott for clearing that up...
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:27 am
by andy1517
well triton ELECTRIC difflock was 900...ARB air locker not that much more expensive.!! Pretty easy decision in my mind
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:31 am
by Bluefreak
andy1517 wrote:well triton ELECTRIC difflock was 900...ARB air locker not that much more expensive.!! Pretty easy decision in my mind
The triton diff lock is air operated and can be had for $500 - retail at time of purchase is $700
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 4:17 pm
by Guy
Bluefreak wrote:andy1517 wrote:well triton ELECTRIC difflock was 900...ARB air locker not that much more expensive.!! Pretty easy decision in my mind
The triton diff lock is air operated and can be had for $500 - retail at time of purchase is $700
Is it the same as the 9.5 inch Paj rear locker ?
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:59 pm
by andy1517
The triton diff lock is air operated and can be had for $500 - retail at time of purchase is $700
The 2010 triton is electronic.
ARB air locker is more effective. Hilux has better resale...There is a reason why Hilux is the no1 selling 4wd.
Service + quality.
Mitsubishi is a little way down the list for a reason
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:59 pm
by Bluefreak
love_mud wrote:Bluefreak wrote:andy1517 wrote:well triton ELECTRIC difflock was 900...ARB air locker not that much more expensive.!! Pretty easy decision in my mind
The triton diff lock is air operated and can be had for $500 - retail at time of purchase is $700
Is it the same as the 9.5 inch Paj rear locker ?
What do you call a deer with no eyes...???