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Stainless snorkels
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 10:07 pm
by zukin
i was considering bending up some stainless for a snorkel for my zook has anyone done this what problems if any did you come across. the one that ive been told is the pipe bender cant bend a tight enough radius therefore the hole in the body has to be more oval then a circle??
thanks in advance
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 10:17 pm
by v8zuki
my brother did one for me . made out of 3" tube , bends were cut out of a doghnut tube about $120 and some 45 deg bends @ $65 welded together and polished it looked great
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 10:20 pm
by zukin
wouldnt ya be able to see the welds in the stainless though?? have you got any photos i was trying to do it all in one piece easier i thought that way ..
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 7:42 am
by grimbo
the problem with doing it in one piece is that it is very hard to get the snorkel in close enough. I made mine out of 3" tube that was cut and welded together to make it nice and tight to the vehicle
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 8:07 am
by zukin
ive seen this snorkel on this mad sierra not sure who owns it but its mad and this is the snorkel i wanna make just unsure about yeh getting in close enough to the body cause cant bend the radius tight enough but this one seems to be close to the body

i think anyways looks good but .
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 8:09 am
by zukin
dont know how to put photos on here

might have it now but??
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 8:14 am
by grimbo
that was paul Pisanis old rig. I think you 'll find that was pieced together and polished and buffed and polished etc to get the result. Yeah you can do it but if you are asking then you probably can't do it yourself :o
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 8:17 am
by zukin
bugger hey id be able to do all the welding just the buffing and polishing im probably bit worried bout what sorta person would be a polisher for stainless is there a person who does that as a job?? whats involved in buffing it and polishing it??? :( :(
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 8:30 am
There is a guy in the Logan Club - Andrew Gerding who makes and sells these S.S. snorkels.
I dont know his number but you could get it through Rod Reardon @ one stop suzi shop.
From memory they are not that $$$. I would give him a try as he has made heaps of them.
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 10:15 am
by zukin
can you give me some details of this one stop suzi shop im unfamilar with it?? never heard of it before??
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 9:15 pm
by cattzooks
I have been advised by a sheet metel worker that if you use alloy you can get it bent in one piece so it doesn't look like down pipe. Other wise you need what they call a lobster joint.