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Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:09 am
by rowenb
Wondering how the new V8 diesel is stacking up against the older 1HD-FTE? Has there been any major problems with the new motor? Bloke i know had fuel pump problems that were rectified by the dealership as a fault from factory. I have driven utes with both of the two motors and think the V8 is more flexible in power delivery. Whats your opinion?
Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 12:11 pm
by Towie
I love V8's but my 2006 79 series has plenty for what i need..
Had a choice of either & am glad i went with the 1HDFTE while they sort out the niggles with the newie, the only significant difference/improvement is the tourque as far as i care... in std form that is..
I am not aware of the many issues they had when it first launched as compared to now having sorted them..
I will however buy the V8 after driving this a while longer....