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Boost for 1HZ
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:31 pm
by gqmad
Hi guys,
how much boost can a 1HZ handle and be reliable still.
Im looking at bolting on a turbo and intercooler on my 1HZ 80 series,
and would like to know if 12 psi or 15 psi is still ok for this engine.
I will be running a GT28 Disco potatoe roller turbo.
Re: Boost for 1HZ
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:56 pm
by AustImages
gqmad wrote:Hi guys,
how much boost can a 1HZ handle and be reliable still.
Im looking at bolting on a turbo and intercooler on my 1HZ 80 series,
and would like to know if 12 psi or 15 psi is still ok for this engine.
I will be running a GT28 Disco potatoe roller turbo.
I was running 14lb in a 1Hz (Thanks to a well-known and litigious southern highlands diesel mechanic who installed a DTS kit with spacers on the wastegate to increase the boost without telling me) and it split every piston and 5 out of 6 preco chambers.
I wouldn't go over 9-10lb in a 1Hz if you want a reliable motor.
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:45 pm
by bendev
hey guys,
I'm about to do the same thing to my 100 series. so yeah, any info will be appreciated.
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:53 pm
by horndog
heat kills them so keep that down and u will be right at 12
intercool if possible and 3 inch straight up and a pyro is a must and just monitor it as close as possible
if u are pulling the motor down good to ceramic coat the tops of the pistons as it keeps the heat out of em
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:29 pm
by gqmad
thanks horndog..
The head has just been done so im leaving the motor alone.
Im leaning toward custom manifold and a GT 28 roller turbo.
3" right through is a must so i will be doing that also my truck has a safari snorkel, i was wondering if it would make a difference to ditch the safari snorkel and do a custom 4" snorkel.
Im hoping to get around 130kws at the wheels without doing the pump
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:39 pm
by Sic Lux
good friend of mine was running 22 all that was done was a set of big end bearings and pyro to set the pump right and it went hard and for a long time
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:45 pm
by horndog
not sure about the snorkel but i know the safari ones are way better than stock that's for sure on my 75, pulled mine off to reseal the joint and it is crap will be getting rid of that very soon, on the 80s my mates seems pretty big that would allow good flow but wouldnt compete with 4inch and if your chasing decent power it wouldn't hurt. let us know how the roller turbo goes i have a safari kit atm and it seem ok but interested in the roller
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:59 pm
by Barno111
Mine is running 13 pound, no intercooler. Got a 3inch straight though! I havent had a problem with it. Been running up around 11- 12 pound for the last 50 000. Haven't had a problem. Boost has gone up since the new exhaust!! Will be looking at a intercooler soon and winding the boost up to around 15pound. Running all through a stocko 1hz head!
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:31 pm
by duck
horndog wrote:not sure about the snorkel but i know the safari ones are way better than stock that's for sure on my 75, pulled mine off to reseal the joint and it is crap will be getting rid of that very soon, on the 80s my mates seems pretty big that would allow good flow but wouldnt compete with 4inch and if your chasing decent power it wouldn't hurt. let us know how the roller turbo goes i have a safari kit atm and it seem ok but interested in the roller
dont safari kits run rollers???
also im going to do mine as well, any reson why you will go the disco potato over say a GT2876r? i know those turbos go well on troles and i figured it would go good on a 1HZ as well.
i also have a friend who had an 80 series running 18 psi out of a 450 000 old motor, but his is cooled and he watches the temps, but i think he will de boost it soon.
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:50 pm
by horndog
duck wrote:horndog wrote:not sure about the snorkel but i know the safari ones are way better than stock that's for sure on my 75, pulled mine off to reseal the joint and it is crap will be getting rid of that very soon, on the 80s my mates seems pretty big that would allow good flow but wouldnt compete with 4inch and if your chasing decent power it wouldn't hurt. let us know how the roller turbo goes i have a safari kit atm and it seem ok but interested in the roller
dont safari kits run rollers???
also im going to do mine as well, any reson why you will go the disco potato over say a GT2876r? i know those turbos go well on troles and i figured it would go good on a 1HZ as well.
i also have a friend who had an 80 series running 18 psi out of a 450 000 old motor, but his is cooled and he watches the temps, but i think he will de boost it soon.
i wish they are a garret turbo but not a roller
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:44 pm
by Z()LTAN
Boost does not kill a diesel engine... EGT's kill a diesel engine.
I run 15-20psi on my stock 07 1hz motor, 3" exhaust, good engine cooling system, minimal fuel increase (for now), no intercooler (for now).
I get 120kw and 450NM on 37' tyres.
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:51 am
by gqmad
I have decided on the disco potatoe as i have used one of these on a GQ and it worked a treat it comes on boost froom almost idle and is full boost around 1600 rpm.. Also has heaps up top as wel. With the pump tricked up i was getting around 165kws at the rears with 35" tyres on the troll with this set up.
I was hoping to try do similar on the 1HZ less the pump mods for now i guess.
I guess all this said and done it sounds like i should be safe to run around 12-13 psi boost with a intercooer as long as i have a pyro and i keep an i on the temp..
I will keep you guys informed but i think i will run the disco potatoe with front mount intercooler and 3" straight through pipes.
Re: Boost for 1HZ
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:44 am
by howesy
AustImages wrote:gqmad wrote:
(Thanks to a well-known and litigious southern highlands diesel mechanic who installed a DTS kit with spacers on the wastegate to increase the boost without telling me)
Got me beat how that tosser is still in business. He charged me big dollars to stuff my Hilux up well and truely and had it go from 9L/100km to 15L/100km on highway speeds. Paid again to have the pump done locally and back to normal just as much power. The local bloke took me out the back and said "Mate there's 1/2 million dollars worth of equipment here, think I would have bought it if you could do a pump without it"
DP Chip also put out a statement at one stage distancing themselves from that person. Dont know if they still do.
If your reading this Mr Highlander GO BACK TO SCHOOL
The bloke I had in Penriff was excellent and I recommend him. P.M if you want his details
Re: turbno
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:07 pm
by thrashlux
gqmad wrote:I have decided on the disco potatoe as i have used one of these on a GQ and it worked a treat it comes on boost froom almost idle and is full boost around 1600 rpm.. Also has heaps up top as wel. With the pump tricked up i was getting around 165kws at the rears with 35" tyres on the troll with this set up.
I was hoping to try do similar on the 1HZ less the pump mods for now i guess.
I guess all this said and done it sounds like i should be safe to run around 12-13 psi boost with a intercooer as long as i have a pyro and i keep an i on the temp..
I will keep you guys informed but i think i will run the disco potatoe with front mount intercooler and 3" straight through pipes.
the 1HZ is no where near as strong as the nissan motor in the head department dont get too excited it will end in tears
the precom chambers swell and contract at a diferent rate to the head cracking them selves then the head
most people dont realise anything is wrong till its too late
even then the engine will run fine make power etc then maybe just start to over heat on hills etc
i think 95% of 1hz turbo's out there if the head was pulled off then they would find cracked precom chambers and if left head cracks as well
best to get a 1hdt no precom chambers and direct injection stronger pistons ,conrods bla bla
play with that it will love it
Re: turbno
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:08 pm
by duck
gqmad wrote:I have decided on the disco potatoe as i have used one of these on a GQ and it worked a treat it comes on boost froom almost idle and is full boost around 1600 rpm.. Also has heaps up top as wel. With the pump tricked up i was getting around 165kws at the rears with 35" tyres on the troll with this set up.
I was hoping to try do similar on the 1HZ less the pump mods for now i guess.
I guess all this said and done it sounds like i should be safe to run around 12-13 psi boost with a intercooer as long as i have a pyro and i keep an i on the temp..
I will keep you guys informed but i think i will run the disco potatoe with front mount intercooler and 3" straight through pipes.
any ideas on the front mount, have a look its a real issue unless you move the batterys
Re: turbno
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:59 pm
by paulm958
thrashlux wrote:gqmad wrote:I have decided on the disco potatoe as i have used one of these on a GQ and it worked a treat it comes on boost froom almost idle and is full boost around 1600 rpm.. Also has heaps up top as wel. With the pump tricked up i was getting around 165kws at the rears with 35" tyres on the troll with this set up.
I was hoping to try do similar on the 1HZ less the pump mods for now i guess.
I guess all this said and done it sounds like i should be safe to run around 12-13 psi boost with a intercooer as long as i have a pyro and i keep an i on the temp..
I will keep you guys informed but i think i will run the disco potatoe with front mount intercooler and 3" straight through pipes.
the 1HZ is no where near as strong as the nissan motor in the head department dont get too excited it will end in tears
the precom chambers swell and contract at a diferent rate to the head cracking them selves then the head
most people dont realise anything is wrong till its too late
even then the engine will run fine make power etc then maybe just start to over heat on hills etc
i think 95% of 1hz turbo's out there if the head was pulled off then they would find cracked precom chambers and if left head cracks as well
best to get a 1hdt no precom chambers and direct injection stronger pistons ,conrods bla bla
play with that it will love it
X2 (Very wise advice) may cost more will save you heaps, and less headache
Re: Boost for 1HZ
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:48 am
by AustImages
howesy wrote:
DP Chip also put out a statement at one stage distancing themselves from that person. Dont know if they still do.
Not quite. DPChip is owned by them. It was the original Tunit chips that had the big fight with them, leading to the birth of DPChip: ... pology.php
Re: turbno
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:49 am
by AustImages
paulm958 wrote:thrashlux wrote:gqmad wrote:I have decided on the disco potatoe as i have used one of these on a GQ and it worked a treat it comes on boost froom almost idle and is full boost around 1600 rpm.. Also has heaps up top as wel. With the pump tricked up i was getting around 165kws at the rears with 35" tyres on the troll with this set up.
I was hoping to try do similar on the 1HZ less the pump mods for now i guess.
I guess all this said and done it sounds like i should be safe to run around 12-13 psi boost with a intercooer as long as i have a pyro and i keep an i on the temp..
I will keep you guys informed but i think i will run the disco potatoe with front mount intercooler and 3" straight through pipes.
the 1HZ is no where near as strong as the nissan motor in the head department dont get too excited it will end in tears
the precom chambers swell and contract at a diferent rate to the head cracking them selves then the head
most people dont realise anything is wrong till its too late
even then the engine will run fine make power etc then maybe just start to over heat on hills etc
i think 95% of 1hz turbo's out there if the head was pulled off then they would find cracked precom chambers and if left head cracks as well
best to get a 1hdt no precom chambers and direct injection stronger pistons ,conrods bla bla
play with that it will love it
X2 (Very wise advice) may cost more will save you heaps, and less headache
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:52 am
by AustImages
One more thing I should note. During the rebuild of my 1Hz, the mechanic found that Toyota changed the design of the 1Hz pistons around 1999. The new 100-series pistons were lighter and thinner than the 80-series pistons and he suspected that this was one cause of the problems, as he'd seen earlier 1Hzs cope with high boost.
Mine lasted about 90,000km at 14lb. Might sound like a lot, but a 1Hz should do 400,000 no probs.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:31 am
by gqmad
so you guys are saying not to worry about the intyercooller just ger roller turbo and 10 psi of boost and its all good???
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:59 pm
Roller turbo is a waste - it spools faster - but your engine wont...
EGT is the key measure. I watch mine.
Most 1HZ's seem to run 10PSI for a reasonable life. Mine is 250,000km.
Intercooling is a safety net - I'm adding it to mine currently.
Opinions vary. It seems all 1HZ's crack heads, but the rate varies. The cooler you can keep them - the longer they will last. Fueling matters more to heat than boost. Again - EGT is the measure.
Re: boost
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:09 pm
by thrashlux
gqmad wrote:so you guys are saying not to worry about the intyercooller just ger roller turbo and 10 psi of boost and its all good???
we are saying 1hz is frail, treat it nice if you have to turbo it
and cannot afford the 1hdt
so treating it nice means low temps as possible (egt)
so low boost less than 10psi
low fuelling as possible
low inlet temps = intercooler YES
good cooling system
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:49 pm
by Z()LTAN
u can still run 20psi so long as your EGTS are kept below 550 post....
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:30 pm
by duck
Z()LTAN wrote:u can still run 20psi so long as your EGTS are kept below 550 post....
zoltan i know you run a GT2876 just wondering how much boost you make and when dose it come on boost?
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:49 pm
by mike_nofx
What would safe max PRE turbo EGT be?
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:45 pm
by Z()LTAN
duck wrote:
zoltan i know you run a GT2876 just wondering how much boost you make and when dose it come on boost?
2psi at idle
full boost 20psi at 2500
When i was playing with boost levels i maxed out a 30psi gauge at 2800
When i mapped this turbo setup, the turbo/engine configuration would become inefficient at just over 50psi...
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:46 pm
by Z()LTAN
mike_nofx wrote:What would safe max PRE turbo EGT be?
Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 3:22 am
by MR Duck
Z()LTAN wrote:
2psi at idle
full boost 20psi at 2500
When i was playing with boost levels i maxed out a 30psi gauge at 2800
When i mapped this turbo setup, the turbo/engine configuration would become inefficient at just over 50psi...
???? 2 Psi at idle ????
What A/R exhaust housing are you using?
Where are you measuring boost pressure and what with?
What do you refer to as "idle"?
I dont understand how this is possible........that is awesome if you are getting 2 Psi out of a GT2876 at idle on a 1HZ!!!
Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:31 am
by bj on roids
Z()LTAN wrote:Boost does not kill a diesel engine... EGT's kill a diesel engine.
I run 15-20psi on my stock 07 1hz motor, 3" exhaust, good engine cooling system, minimal fuel increase (for now), no intercooler (for now).
I get 120kw and 450NM on 37' tyres.
you need the fuel to make the boost......
how do you mean minimal fuel increase, did you do it yourself?
Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:08 pm
by fumduk3
put axt kit on at 285000km, sold it at 340000km going strong set to 12 psi. 15psi is getting up there. set it to 12 to be safe. Dump, exhaust, slight fuel increase with 28500km old pump and injectors on BFG 33's would tear a new arsehole in my 2006 4.2tdi coilcab with tune, boost 15psi, fuel, timing, zd30 lid, intercooler fan, BD dump, 3 inch on 265's. The old 80 did a fair bit of towing too- 2tonne+. Wouldnt dream of towing hd car trailer with wagon on back overtaking cars in the right lane flying down the gateway at 110 in 5th with the gu. 6" lift too, 13LT/100KM FUEL. it was a freak and i damn i miss it. biggest thing BOOST GAUGE AND PYRO FULLSTOP. 1HDT's and 1HD-FT go even better though