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Convert an LT77 from '88 to '85 model

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 11:37 am
by SteveC
Hi all

Has anyone converted an LT77 from an 88 model to fit into an 85 model R/R?

The gear levers & selection assembly need to be swapped over, which we have done, but I am having troubles lining up the selector for 5th gear.

The first time the mechanic installed it I had no 5th gear. I drove it like this for 4 months but couln't go over 90kph. I gave it back to the mechanic to fix & it has been there for 8 weeks now & I want it back.

Last night he showed me that the bracket that holds the 5th gear selection fork needs to be packed out 6mm. I do not know why.

Thanks in advance


Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 9:33 pm
by Bush65
I overhauled the lt77 on my 84 rangie recently. I am not familiar with the later version.

The 5th gear selector fork is inside the case and engages the syncro ring - packing it 6mm does not make sense. Just what selector fork are you talking about?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 12:12 pm
by SteveC
The 88 model box has the gear leavers reversed to that of the 85 model.

We had to swap over the selection mechanism. Something between the two boxes is different, hence the 6mm packer.

I would really like to know what that difference is, just for my knowledge if nothing else.
