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hilux diffs in zuk brake problem

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:22 pm
by NIK
Im trying to get my brakes sorted for the rta.
I got a brake test that checks the braking force on each wheel and the passenger rear only had about 18%.
I took the brake cylinder out and 1 side was siezed so I cleaned it up and put some brake lube on it but they still arnt any better. The piston that was seized still dosnt move unless I hold the other brake shoe still.
It dosnt look like there is any brake fluid leaking past the cylinder seals and they are properly bled.
I have a prop valve for the rear line just after the m/c then the single line splits into 2 at the t piece at the diff.
Could it be possible that the magority of the brake fliud is going to the nearest side?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:33 pm
by thrashlux
have you checked the line is not blocked?
some thing may have jammed its self in there or if it was left open mud wasps love those things

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:43 pm
by NIK
I had another good look at it.
I rebled the rear brakes (both sides) adjusted the shoes out as far as I could before putting the drums back on and it was the same.
There is a small kink in the hard line going to the passenger side but it still bleeds easily.
I jacked up the driver side for a comparison and im positve it locked hard and I couldnt turn the wheel by hand.
So we swapped the drums side to side to see if maybe the kink in the line was causing it or the drum was too worn.
Now both sides can be turned by hand with the brakes on.
Also I opened the brake prop valve completely to eliminate it but its still the same.

your brakes

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:32 pm
by zoook
are you running the lux booster?? need the ln106 booster plus the spacer plate for the actuator to move the right distance....air lock in the prop valve...

brak probbs

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:56 pm
by v6zooike
hi nik if your still having probs with braks call me. mite arange day see if we can find whats rong. i had air in porting valv pain to get out. thow maniged it.

Re: brak probbs

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:22 am
by mike_nofx
v6zooike wrote:hi nik if your still having probs with braks call me. mite arange day see if we can find whats rong. i had air in porting valv pain to get out. thow maniged it.
Maybe in exchange he can give you an English lesson?


Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:54 am
by zoook
chuckle :rofl: chuckle chuckle