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Suspension & tyre question
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:37 pm
by ryman94
Hey everyone , I just bought a feroza widetrack for my first car the other week and took it out with my dad on some tracks around Bundaberg, there were pretty hard for the rosa so i wanted to lift it and put 30''s or maby even 31''s?
I want a 2 inch body lift which is easy enough but dont know how i would lift the front. Ive searched the forum and some say ball joint spacers give me lift and others say it dosent , i dont understand how someone gets lift and someone dosent , they must of done it different to eachother but i want to know which method works.
Another way is wind up tortion bars but that will give me a really hard ride, so i was thinking going 1'' on the T bars and 1 inch on ball joint spacers.
And how would i raise the rear leafs , add more leafs and make the ride hard or extend the shackles? If i do the suspention would i get any up flex ( i think it is ) Anyway i mean would the tyre come under the mud guard with bigger tyres?
And lastly what would be the best tyres 30's or 31's
Thanks , and sorry about all the q's i just want to know and thourght id ask experts. And please dont flame me about this because ive looked on the forum and like i said people get different results with the ball joint spacers etc
My car
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:38 am
by MightyMouse
body lift is the easiest to do as it doesn't effect the suspension.
Everything else is a compromize.
Best rear solution is leaves with more curve in them, extended shackles follow then more leaves ( hard rears are not good )
Best Front solution is longer arms, then ball joint spacers ( although lift is limited this way ) and then winding up the bars.
And being blunt - modifying an IFS system takes significantly more understanding of suspension geometry than leaves or struts - so its more work to do. Some "think" that a single mod/change will work - its far more interlinked ( read complex ) than that.
Watch the tyre diameter - its going to hurt the gearing big time - and the Feroza isn't good on this front already.
IMHO you have two paths - be modest with tyres, fit the absolute minimum body lift and touch the suspension as little as possible OR go nuts and be prepared for LOTS of work and making parts you can't buy.
And consider the legal aspects as well - these mods are not going to be legal.
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:23 pm
by ryman94
So im thinking:
30'' tyres
50mm body lift
and see what she looks like from there, because u can see by the picture its pretty low to the ground ( tyres are also slicks

) im pretty sure its because they didnt change many suspension components between the narrow and wide tracks?
Also i dont have much money , i have about $2300 left after my old boss accused me of stealing drinks from foodworks when they had no proof (i didnt even do it) then next time i went in his daughter was working there

, anyway im getting a job in a packing shed so yeh.
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:03 pm
by cookiesa
The other thing to remember is vehicles like Patrols and Cruisers NEED the left as they have shocking ramp over angles due to the long wheel base.
A roza like most small 4x4's has the ability to ride over the humps, ride in the washouts etc that the big wagons are forced to try and bridge. Picking your line is important in all 4x4's, in a small one you do things differently to the big boys
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:36 pm
by nebivedu
2" body lift (5cm)
235/75/15 tyres
pajero/montero/shogun rear shocks on rear
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:02 am
by MightyMouse
Very minor changes between narrow and wide track suspension components ( chassis is different however ).
Pity Daihatsu choose to be lazy on that front - if they had have changed the suspension to longer arms instead of widening the chassis a widetrack would be a much better vehicle - but they didn't so its not.....
I think youve decided on a sensible compromize ( and cost effective ). Just make sure you replace / strengthen the front "skid plate" to protect the vulnerable front diff. You will spend a fair bit of time scraping along on it so if you don't address this now you WILL be sorry.
You'll have a lot of fun, and probably be very surprised just where you can go with it - the more you modify the more you expect.
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:14 pm
by ryman94
Thanks Mighty Mouse, nebivedu and cookiesa for the advice, do u think i'll need a modplate for the 50mm body lift , i heard it wasnt required if its under 50mm . Im in QLD
Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 6:35 am
by MightyMouse
I thought that it was 50mm TOTAL so if you increase tyre dia and lift the body then it all counts.
If you want to be legal / insured then it will pay to check this out.
I'd suggest speaking to the state authorities - you really shouldn't rely on what we think is the law in various states when it comes to the legal stuff......
Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:03 pm
by ryman94
Yeah i looked around on the net and cant get a straight answer so ill just call the coppers, i dont wanna get pinged on my p plates so ill find out
Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 5:01 pm
by tufferoza
there be some good 4wding around bundy, i lived there for ~7 years. enjoy the little roza, there are quite a capable 4wd IMO.
i've run 31's since i've had mine, though i think 30's would be a better option and allow not to have to worry about a body lift for clearance. plus not as much strain on the running gear and fuel economy.
i have raised suspension, eg. front torsion bars wound up and extended shakles on the rear leafs (rear springs were upgraded). though my front flares still come to greif (rubbing) now and then with the 31's when doing some uneven tracks etc.
this raised suspension has worked for me, though i am to try (after reading a lot of MM's posts) doing a body lift and possibly lower the suspension back. i have had troubles with non locker diffs and wheels lifted up off the ground. frustrating.

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 5:37 pm
by ryman94
Pine creek goes alright dosent it hahaha , i took it to moore park though.
I got the rear bumper off and im going to get the body lift kit made up soon. Yeh im going to go 30's aswell, but not yet because im doing my l's on my 27'' slicks

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:56 pm
by the_fatman
Just to let you know my mate ( we are in QLD) got defected with a 50mm bodylift in his mq patrol, Copper said that anything over 30mm needs to be engineered, talk to Queensland transport or an engineer mate BEFORE you start to save dramas , i will follow your thread as its what i wanna do

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:57 pm
by the_fatman
Just to let you know my mate ( we are in QLD) got defected with a 50mm bodylift in his mq patrol, Copper said that anything over 30mm needs to be engineered, talk to Queensland transport or an engineer mate BEFORE you start to save dramas , i will follow your thread as its what i wanna do

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:21 pm
by tufferoza
ryman94 wrote:Pine creek goes alright dosent it hahaha , i took it to moore park though.
i preferred scooting out to my parents place at pine creek (back electra rd) in my mr2, awesome twisty road.

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:45 pm
by ryman94
ryman94 wrote:
Pine creek goes alright dosent it hahaha , i took it to moore park though.
i preferred scooting out to my parents place at pine creek (back electra rd) in my mr2, awesome twisty road. Twisted Evil
We used to ride motos out there but there has been a major accedent where a kid fell off and had to get choppered out. Also 2 guys out at coonar were riding at night and crashed head on and both died and lastly someone got into the local quarry (the owner let people ride there ) and crashed and tried to sue so he locked everyone out , so theres no rideing spots left so i bought my car with the money.
It was good at pine creek though , the hill climbs are good, and on motorbike i know a few 30km loops.
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 2:37 am
This will give you an idea of what stock V 3" body, plus suspension, plus 33"mudders does.

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:06 am
by ryman94
MUMSRIG wrote:This will give you an idea of what stock V 3" body, plus suspension, plus 33"mudders does.

Thanks man that looks deadly.
Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:39 am
Yeah, she was a beast. Got plenty of looks

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 12:11 pm
by MightyMouse
Beast and Feroza... two words that don't go together very often
Gearing must have been an issue with 33" tyres ?
Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:16 pm
MightyMouse wrote:Beast and Feroza... two words that don't go together very often
Gearing must have been an issue with 33" tyres ?
Lots of revs and low pressures in the tyres.. I did alot of long distance driving with it. Kalgoorlie to Perth so it was fine for the amount of offroading it did. It was just a toy in the end and was good fun.
Actually, the pic in my sig was my Rangie completing the bonus hill in the Kalgoorlie Gymkhana. The Feroza, believe it or not made it up there also (after I welded the front diff because it broke on the same challenge
