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Hilux airlocker ratio change dramas

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:42 pm
by leehamescort
Just wondering if anyone can spot what our problem is, we are tearing our hair out and even the diff builder is trying to bodgy things.

we have a 4.56 V6 hilux rear diff housing with an airlocker, we got a set of standard hilux 4.88 gears (not from a V6 housing) and tried to put them in our housing with the airlocker. To get the gears to mesh the crownwheel needs a 6mm spacer between the locker and the crownwheel!! (this is what the diff builder has done but then the bolts aren’t long enough and longer bolts don’t have a shank to locate properly so it’s no good)

What have we done wrong?

Do you require an offset gearset to suit a 4.88 into an airlocker diff?

Do different ratios have different offsets on the crownwheen carrier to suit the ratios??

I hope that sort of makes sense??

Thanks for any help.


Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:49 pm
by vk7ybi

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:36 pm
by leehamescort
Gold!! that'll be it!
