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Tyre pressure for 750-16 splits on sand

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:11 pm
by donk
Wondering if anybody is using 750-16 (roadgrippers) on split rims on sand and what pressure they can be lowered to

My Patrol wagon weighs around 3000 kg & on the road i run approx 45 psi frt & 50 psi rear & on soft beach sand i have lowered them to around 25psi with significant bag in the side walls and it seems to do ok

I read that people with wider tyres on 1 piece rims run much lower pressures (around the 18psi mark) but i wonder how the splits & tubes will handle pressure this low

Any advice would be appreciated

Regards Don

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:21 pm
by garrycol
In cannot speak for split rims but I need to lower my 900x16 tubed tyres to about 9psi to get any bagging at all - they still look like they have 35 in them. Have run all around Stockton dunes without any issue.


Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:22 pm
by lokka
Mate its a suck it and see affair id play around and try different pressures both front and rear maby if its got a bit of weight on board and its rear end is heavy you could still keep the 25psi in the rear and try 18 up front as ive found that seting the pressure to suit the load is best for sand tho ive never tryed it with 750/16's

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 8:00 am
by Guy
The extra floatation comes from the contact patch getting longer way more than wider .. so dont worry so much about the sidewalls bagging look more at the tread contact patch lengthening ...

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 8:36 am
by donk
The thing is at 25 psi the tyres look like they have 10 psi in them & i am hesitant to go any lower

I also wonder if i go lower if i am going to get any movement between the tube & the tyre case that might cause the tube to eventually rub through

Regards Don

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:00 am
by crunk81us
I have a 105 diesel cruiser that has new 750/16.

First time ever to drive with skinnes after many years of fats. Found them to be good in all sand except deep chewed up sand ruts. Which is when after running about 16psi front and 20ish rear all weekend I dropped to 12psi all round and drove (still got stuck!) My tyres held up fine.

BUT You need to drive accordingly because handling becomes ATTROCIOUS and a quick swerve may roll a tyre on the rim, which will probably roll you.
AND my tyres are 14ply tread and 6ply sidewall which almost stand up by themselves.

I would say 18-24psi would be a safe level but lower them further if you are getting stuck.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:04 am
by Guy
crunk81us wrote:I have a 105 diesel cruiser that has new 750/16.

First time ever to drive with skinnes after many years of fats. Found them to be good in all sand except deep chewed up sand ruts. Which is when after running about 16psi front and 20ish rear all weekend I dropped to 12psi all round and drove (still got stuck!) My tyres held up fine.

BUT You need to drive accordingly because handling becomes ATTROCIOUS and a quick swerve may roll a tyre on the rim, which will probably roll you.
AND my tyres are 14ply tread and 6ply sidewall which almost stand up by themselves.

I would say 18-24psi would be a safe level but lower them further if you are getting stuck.

Sounds like good safe advice to me.