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2H fuel delivery problem....HELP

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:01 am
by turkey
I have a 89 model 75 series Troopy with a 2H. Im having major issues with getting fuel delivery :bad-words:

I have cleaned both filters, swapped over lift pump, bleed loads of fuel through both the top bleeder and also the bleeder on the injector pump and there is NO air whatsoever, just nice clean diesel. I am just not getting any fuel through to the injectors. Have cracked every injector line and there is only the tiniest dribble coming through to a couple and none at all to others. It will run but obviously its missing really bad and blowing smoke.

What else can I try? I do have another injector pump still on the old motor out the back and thinking of trying to swap over as a last resort. Im guessing the pumps are exactly the same, BUT on the motor currently in it now it doesnt have the inspection hole on the oil pump housing. The old one does? Also there is different numbers on the pump but it all looks exactly the same. I am not sure if this is something I can attempt myself in regards to getting the timing set right....

Not sure if this matters but it is something that just happened suddenly while sitting on about 90 kms going down the highway. Just left for a trip away then started missing and running rough about 5 kms from home, but managed to crawl it back home. Can anyone please help or shed any ideas on this as quite a few peoples holidays are relying on me and my truck, I'm getting desperate :cry:

Thanks fellas!

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:23 am
by FJ turbo 75
Pretty good chance your injector pump is stuffed , it happens !!
Pulled my working fine pump of to do a motor rebuild and put it back in a fortnight later and 2 outa the six outlets had zip pressure

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:05 pm
by beinthemud
Is there good pressure at the injector when you bleed it
Could be an injector

Opps re read what you wrote thought you said you had fuel ay the injectors
sorry Pump then

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:08 pm
by turkey
No I'm not getting very little fuel through from the pump itself to the injectors. No worries mate cheers

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:43 pm
by Chucky
Isn't there a wire screen on the inlet to the injector pump?
I know some diesels have these and they do block up over time. It might be worth pulling the inlet hose the injector pump off for a look see, can also pump the fuel maunaly and confirm good fuel supply to the pump.

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 5:00 pm
by turkey
Yeah have done all of the above Chucky, I have good fuel supply to the pump it just not getting through to the injectors :x

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:55 pm
by turkey
Ok we are really stuck now! Today myself and a mechanic mate of mine have completely taken everything apart, swapped over injector pump, the diaphram is holding vacuum. We had whole front of motor off and triple checked all the timing which is spot on. Checked all lines, water trap, bled everything and getting full fuel to the new(secondhand off my old motor) injector pump. We are still not getting full fuel to the injectors. It will run but with a major miss.

Has shitloads of compression too. Was compression tested a couple of months ago and they were all around 650 off the top off my head. Any of you gurus have ANY ideas whatsoever, we are completely stumped :x

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:12 am
by joel HJ60
Injector lines are blocked?

Delivery valves blocked?

I know all 6 being blocked is unlikely, but you never know.

Any water in the fuel?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:51 am
by turkey
We are here now at workshop troubleshooting again. Have checked all lines, cleaned water trap and even bypassed that. Will keep trying, thanks fellas :x

Re: 2H fuel delivery problem....HELP

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:57 am
by poppywhite
[quote="turkey"]I have a 89 model 75 series Troopy with a 2H. Im having major issues with getting fuel delivery :bad-words:

I have cleaned both filters, swapped over lift pump, ]

You said swap I am presuming the hand pump, maybe the one you put in is shot as well, try a new one you have not much to loose now after all that. They do go.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:32 am
by joel HJ60
Are you 100% the timing is spot on. Did you touch the auto timer?

What is idle set at? Is it just to low to begin with?