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F75 parts transplant into a F77

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 3:36 pm
by Shambles
Hey guys I'm hoping I can pick your brains over this transplant. I have a 88 F77 2.8 n/a tray (which I love) and I've just picked up a 93 F75 TD wagon for parts and have a few questions.

The front end on the F77 needs new cv's and 1 steering bush, it seems a direct swap over. Is this correct? The F75 front end appears alright

I plan to swap engines/ turbo except for the fuel pump and injectors as they were recently reconditioned in the F77. Am I right to assume all I will need to do after the swap is a tune by a professional?

If anyone wants to buy a gearbox with one of those electronic hi-low things let me know. I perfer the manual hi/low in the f77 and if I can recoupe a few bucks before I cash the leftovers at the metal recyclers, sweet.

I can't wait to put in the aircond and the power steering. I plan to keep the diffs, leaf springs, engine etc for when something else breaks.

Thanks in advance

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:40 am
by tabrocky
F77 rear axle is different to the F75. I think the front is the same though.

Be careful not swaping injectors and injector pump. I think the injector nozzles in the TD's are different to the NA's to cater for the increased fuel delivery. Could be wrong, but might be worth checking.

You'll also need the fuel compensator on the TD's fuel pump. I'd recommend enlisting the help of a fuel injection specialist to swap the top cover (with compensator) over onto your old recon pump and then get it all set to specs on the bench. That way they'll pick up any other potential issues before you bolt it up. I assume the TD pump is worn out?

While your at it make sure you remove the PCS valve to make sure you can make full use of the turbo in first gear.

I may be interested in some parts... PM sent.

Cheers ;)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:40 am
by Shambles
Cheers for that, the fuel pump on the TD is fine (well it works) I thought I read that the injectors were the same so I'll have to look harder into it. I was only going to put my fuel pump on as mine was reco'd a couple of years ago so I assumed it would work better. (if they're the same it seems)

Thanks for the info on the pcs valve.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:29 pm
by BundyRumandCoke
Yep, ute rear axles are longer than wagon ones, by about an inch either side, I think. I am pretty sure the spline count is different as well, only by 1 spline.