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Mounting WARN XD9000 upside down
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:39 am
by jsttry
After seeing the sticker showing which way the cable spools onto the drum, is there any issues with reversing this so it spools on the opposite way? I assume this means it will be working against the brake?
Reason is with the bar I have I need to mount it with the gearbox on the passenger side.
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:47 am
by tna racing
break wont work....
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:49 am
by jsttry
thought so, bar manufacturer tried telling me it was OK until I suggested that. Just wanted to double check.
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:10 am
by bru21
why would you want it upside down? You can rotate the freespool by undoing the 6 or 8 cap screws.
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:13 am
by jsttry
yes but then handle is facing down, I was hoping to try and use the factory cutout on the bar which is on the drivers side so I can access the lever from the top. I'm lazy and don't like bending over

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:18 am
by Slunnie
I would also like to have flipped it to fit a 6hp and fit it to a Rover bar. The brake was the big hold up. From what I could work out, you couldn't fit other parts from the other winches to make it work either - hopefully someone can disprove that.
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:21 am
by GQ Bear
I don't see why you couldn't spin it around. The cable would unwind off the top of the drum instead of bottom, that is all. You can undo the bolts and rotate the gearbox and motor too so that the freespool clutch lever and wiring terminals are on top. Drum would still spin the same way, no problems i reckon.
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:25 am
by jsttry
means motor drain hole is then on top (needs to be drilled to make a new one)
Also means since you are spooling from top of drum it doesn't line up with cutout for the fairlead on the bar

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:54 am
I had a warn 8000lb low mount with an internal cone style brake. It was installed like the requested 'opposite orientation, and worked fine. The cable was respooled to pull off the bottom side of the drum also.
I don't know what the brake config is for the 9000lb, but if a cone style, would not have thought it would be an issue. I had to change the solenoid wiring to reverse the direction, but thats not an issue either as its just a dc motor.
Again, not sure how the brakes differ, so maybe this won't work.
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:36 pm
by bazzle
GQ Bear wrote:I don't see why you couldn't spin it around. The cable would unwind off the top of the drum instead of bottom, that is all. You can undo the bolts and rotate the gearbox and motor too so that the freespool clutch lever and wiring terminals are on top. Drum would still spin the same way, no problems i reckon.
Exactly what Nissan do on their OE Patrol bars. (Flip winch but keep direction of spool same. )
As stated may need to make a 2nd drain hole in motor plate.
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:44 pm
by jsttry
will work for Patrol OE bar but not the XROX bar as its designed to spool off bottom of drum which is how cutout is made in the bar
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:55 pm
by Slunnie
I don't have a pic, but here is the XD9000 brake (Part No.29) from an exploded view in the parts listings.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:19 pm
Isn't the brake engaged or locked all the time except when the winch is activated, either forwards and reverse? If so, it would make a difference if upside down, except the point about the drain hole, which is a different issue.
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:31 pm
by Slunnie
When I had it apart I looked at it and thought that it released the brake in one direction and dragged it in reverse.
Are you saying it releases in both directions and applys when the motor doesn't put a load on it?
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:14 pm
I would have thought so as you can winch a car up a hill and use the winch to lower it as well, so the brake must disengage for the drum to rotate. Its in a 'fail safe mode' I guess. If not, power would have to be on the brake to hold it on, and your battey would be dead pretty quick.
The milemarker chinese 12v winch I had was fitted with a type of 'spring brake' that unclamped when the motor activated. It worked in both directions - not very well, but did the job. It didn't take much abuse and soon broke, but then again, my brother has the same model and his has been flogged numerous times,without a problem.