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rims size for wheels any help would be great 38x13x15 tyres

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:15 pm
got 35x12.5x15 on 15x10-44 never really had any trouble with coming off the bead ever or anyhthing else on low pressure selling tyres

just got some 38x13x15 creepys on 15x8 rims

thinking of running them on the 15x10 better offset and wider rim

or make them a bead lock rim so i can run low pressure or internal or external or both ?
6psi ?

what do you run?
have you had trouble?

thinking off making the 15x10 bead lock rims in the future

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:22 am
by SIM79
Run the 15x10s as they are recommended for tyres 13.5-16.5 inches wide. See how they go offroad first, if don't loose a bead you don't need to waste money on beadlocks. If you do need beadlocks get mechecanical. ... y+crawlers

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:53 am
by mat_p
a mate of mine has 37x12.5 r16 maxxis creepy crawlers on 16x8 rims. they round out really bad across the tread (my 35x12,5 r15's on 15x8's do not, so i assume it's becuase of a bigger tyre).
I definately recommend getting 10inch wide rims...regardless of the beads popping off etc, if the tyres are rounding out (i dont know the correct term, but its the centre of the tread arcing outwards and being the only part of the tyre on the groud. this happens even on low pressures for him), it will kill your tread through the centre in a big hurry.