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vn v6 alternator exciting in hilux

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:16 pm
by gladstone dave
Hi everyone,

I have just bought an 81 hilux with a vn v6 conversion, only to find the alternator was not charging. I changed the brushes then ended up buying a new reg for it. Still no charge, I then accidently bridged the two wires in the plug at the top of the alternator and it started charging :)

My delima is that it doesn't excite unless done manually......

The charge light on the dash is not working so I'm suspecting it's either not wired correctly or has a blown globe.

What I'd like to know is what colour wires should these alternator wires be connected to and is there any other way I can overcome this problem?

Thank you in advance,

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:25 pm
by its aford not a nissan
got a pic of the rear of the altinater and all associated wiring plugs ?? then we will be able to tell you what goes where

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:30 pm
by gladstone dave
Will do...........

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:28 pm
by gladstone dave
Well I just went out to take some pics and traced a yellow/blue wire from the charge light and hooked it up to the plug on the regulator and taadaa! it bloody works :) :D

so thanks for your intended help but I stumbled over a solution.....

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:40 pm
by its aford not a nissan
to easy :armsup: