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75 series cabin seals

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:40 pm
by BFCK97
just wondering f if anybody knows somewhere that does a full set of cabin seals for a 75 series?
like the ones that go between all the panels wen u pull the cabin apart and door seals and all that stuff.
i'm halfway through stripping my 75 series cab for a respray and decided i may as well do everything properly otherwise theres no point doing it at all.
any help appreciated, and a rough price would be sweet to

Cheers, Mark

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:28 pm
by Barno111
Slap a hole heap of silcone between the panels before bolting them down!

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:17 pm
by BFCK97
that looks to be the plan but theres sum bits that hav to be rubber. Will sort it out. Wont be buyin anythin from toyota. Fair rip off

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:57 pm
by 75 cruser
i had to buy mine from toyota as spectrum rubber ( the old peter jackson rubber ) didnt do them at the time, but they may do it now, they had some of the rubbers but not all of them, the only thing ive found with the genuine rubbers is that they fit properly, compard to aftermarkrt ones


Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:43 pm
by cleanskin
i bought a full set off toyota in cairns bout 1.5yr ago wasnt too expensive i thought, which surprised me as apparently theres no aftermarket manafactures for them?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:49 am
by dogbreath_48
What's a full set from toyota worth, out of curiosity?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:27 pm
when me and bfck97 went in the one around the bottom of the screen was $114 odd and the 1 around the rear of the roof was $200+ i think.....

Cabin seals

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:07 pm
by ol' 45
Hey BFCK97,

I have just put a full fibreglass kit on my 45 series and in the process was going to replace all the rubbers like you, until I found out you could'nt get some of them or the price was stupid.

When I put the cab together ie windscreen frame, top half of the cab and roof I put a 3mm thick rubber packer as a washer where the bolts go (to keep the 2 bits separated) along with a bead of sikaflex all around for a seal.

When it was all together it went to get sprayed. So the vehicle at this stage is not quite waterproof. I have a guy lined up next week who is a joint sealer. He rocks into new houses and seals all the expansion joints around tiles, kitchen benches etc. He recomended doing it this way as you get a way neater joint without the rubber dags hanging out.

If you fill the gaps and then spray the vehicle over the sealant and your body flexes and twists the paint may come off the sealant. By joint sealing after paint you can get the same colour or verr close to it and all will be sweet.

will post up some closeups when job is done. I am waiting for windscreen man to get some glass in the holes atm.

Just my 2 bobs
