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How to measure 2 miles
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:27 pm
by LuxyBoy
Purchased an electronic speedo and to calibrate it I need a peice of road 2 miles long that I can drive slowly on.
Found road but how the hell do I measure 2 miles exactly without a slow walk with a metre ruler?
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:36 pm
by BundyRumandCoke
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:50 pm
by v840
Find an industrial complex that is set up in a loop. Set your odometer to zero. Start driving the loop. When you hit 3.2kms, stop.
I'll PM you my address so you can send my cookie.
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:02 pm
by alien
but if his speedo is out then his odometer will be also =)
the guaranteed way is to use GPS, or one of those wheels that clicks every 1m and mark it out.
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:39 pm
by Goatse.AJ
alien wrote:but if his speedo is out then his odometer will be also =)
the guaranteed way is to use GPS, or one of those wheels that clicks every 1m and mark it out.
The wheel things are great if you can count that far without getting distracted/losing count, AND do it without having to take your shoes off to get past 10.
Some sections of freeway also have a measured distance you can calibrate off, but that'd involved driving in the emergency lane, pretending you're broken down.
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:02 pm
by v840
alien wrote:but if his speedo is out then his odometer will be also =)
the guaranteed way is to use GPS, or one of those wheels that clicks every 1m and mark it out.
Would a speedo be out enough that it gets that affected over 3.2kms?
Dammit! I wanted that cookie!
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:40 pm
by glenndini
Find a piece of road that's one mile long and drive it twice.
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:11 pm
by bilby
8 trips down the drag strip will do it

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:31 pm
by RED60
bilby wrote:8 trips down the drag strip will do it

IF they're still 1320 feet.... but I think some at least have been shortened to 1000 feet.. and also when you get to the end the first time, how do you turn around to get back the other way without adding to the reading.....

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:03 pm
by DamTriton
RED60 wrote:bilby wrote:8 trips down the drag strip will do it

IF they're still 1320 feet.... but I think some at least have been shortened to 1000 feet.. and also when you get to the end the first time, how do you turn around to get back the other way without adding to the reading.....

Seriously, get yout maps out. The good old road planners of old would usually use major "blocks" of exact multiples or sub-multiples of one mile.
You could do a google maps search of your area for some streets that fit the bill from one intersection to another if you don't mind being a couple of metres out (= less than 0.5% out)
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:16 pm
by Wozza244
AJFeroza wrote:The wheel things are great if you can count that far without getting distracted/losing count.
I used to use one while i was contract fencing its fully digital, no counting required cost about $50 from bunnings and whats wrong with walking 2 miles, it would take you 15 min max! Work those beers off ya

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:36 pm
by bakerboy
depends on the accuracy of ya gps
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:47 pm
by krusty182
I agree a digital measuring wheel would be the most accurate and possibly the quickest way to do it. Even quicker if you have an assistant hang out the window of your car as you drive along slowly.
A lot of people in the real estate/property valuing industry have them to check block sizes and stuff, see if you can borrow one.
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:09 am
by PJ.zook
Wait until 2am, then drive down the citylink tunnels, the reflective markers on the barriers on passenger side are 100m apart, with a different coloured one every 1000m.
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:08 am
by dillza_69
[quote="Wozza244]whats wrong with walking 2 miles, it would take you 15 min max! Work those beers off ya

Bet you cant walk 3.2km in under 15 min! You would have to be walking at 12.8km/h. The average human walking speed is 5.3km/hour, without being a self proclaimed professional power walker i dont think it would be possible without jogging
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:20 am
by chimpboy
Most cities have a few sections of road marked for speedo calibration don't they?
There's one in Bris on the way to Indooroopilly, probably another one southside; isn't it 5km (but marked regularly)..?
It's been a while since I lived there but it started near the turn off to Mt Coot-tha... but I can't remember what the name of the freeway was
Just travel exactly 3.218688 km on it

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:23 am
by droopypete
Everyone is so close, use your GPS to locate a Bunnings, walk there and buy a digital trundle wheel, put your car on blocks, rest the trundle wheel against the tyre, drink beer until it hits 2 miles or 3219 m, jobs done
donate my cookie to the local orphanage
ps, and you shleppers bag me for not posting tech

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:49 am
by v840
Then leave it on blocks and wait for your missus to try and drive it away.
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:13 am
by TroopiePete
If you are on the South Side of Brisbane then go for a drive to Toowombah ,
Nice drive in the sun and all that!
But you will find a nice stretch of road with distance markers installed for just that purpose.
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:27 am
by Wozza244
dillza_69 wrote:Bet you cant walk 3.2km in under 15 min! You would have to be walking at 12.8km/h. The average human walking speed is 5.3km/hour, without being a self proclaimed professional power walker i dont think it would be possible without jogging
I forgot to add, im a superhero

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:36 am
by bru21
Drive a baja 1000 then / by 2
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:31 pm
by LuxyBoy
1. Old Speed/Odo is not connected and can't be
2. GPS are not accurate enough
3. Distance markers on roads are usually 1km new speedo being American made requires 2 Miles for calibration and then I can switch it to read Km's
Digital trundle wheel it is then, thanks guys

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:34 pm
by chimpboy
LuxyBoy wrote:1. Old Speed/Odo is not connected and can't be
2. GPS are not accurate enough
3. Distance markers on roads are usually 1km new speedo being American made requires 2 Miles for calibration and then I can switch it to read Km's
Digital trundle wheel it is then, thanks guys

Aren't the road marked ones in 0.1 or 0.2 of a km? I'm almost sure that's what I remember.
I'd rather get someone with a new unmodded car to drive 3.2km than walk a trundle wheel, but I am a lazy farker.
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:36 pm
by bogged
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:18 pm
by Guy
wont that give you 500 ? (1000 divided by 2 = 500 )
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:10 pm
by droopypete
love_mud wrote:
wont that give you 500 ? (1000 divided by 2 = 500 )
vehicles in the Baha 1000 typically have a 2 to 1 wheel spin ratio that Bru has correctly allowed for

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:28 pm
by TroopiePete
LuxyBoy wrote:
1. Old Speed/Odo is not connected and can't be
2. GPS are not accurate enough
3. Distance markers on roads are usually 1km new speedo being American made requires 2 Miles for calibration and then I can switch it to read Km's
Digital trundle wheel it is then, thanks guys Wink
So are you saying you just need to travel 2 Miles, no particular speed or anything like that?
If that's the case it should be easy to either have someone travel the distance then stop or use one of the road markers for the bulk of the distance then just measure out the remainder, did I see someone say it's 3.2Km or something like that, 200 Meters is not to much to measure out.
Alternatively a Dyno should be able to measure both speed and distance - I would have thourght?
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:21 pm
by Guy
droopypete wrote:love_mud wrote:
wont that give you 500 ? (1000 divided by 2 = 500 )
vehicles in the Baha 1000 typically have a 2 to 1 wheel spin ratio that Bru has correctly allowed for

So that will be 250 ?
You old folk and your maths .. miles must divide different...

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:16 pm
by TroopiePete
Its typical of the yanks to keep imperial measurements just to snub the rest of us!
When listening to NASA its even more confusing as they drop from metric to imperial then back - reminds me of when I was in Air Conditioning sales, a couple would bring in a house plan they measured up, one wall would be in feet the next in meters and so on.
Maybe we should all look for a few of the old Mile markers from a quite road out in the sticks and set up a test track for all these Left had drive yank tanks you see in increasing numbers on our roads.