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Inverter query??

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:13 pm
by crowey
Hello All

I have been looking around the past few days for an inverter to run my laptop and camera charger off
I have found 2 dofferent types and am unsure what the difference is
They are both 300w but
Jaycars peak power is 310w
Dicksmiths peak power is 1000w

can someone please explain why these are different (peak power) and which 1 is better please. They are both around the $130 mark


Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:42 pm
by the_smoo

The 300W power level is the level that you can run the inverter at continously with no trouble. 300W should be fine for your laptop and charger.

The peak power is what power the inverter can put out for a short period of time. Sometimes it is referred to as surge power. It is useful when operating items such as some power tools which need a surge of power to get started (inductive load), but then run happily at a lower power once up and running.

If they cost the same, definetly go for the higher peak power model.....

I have seen 300W inverters sell on ebay for a hundred bucks and less, so it might pay :) to have a ganders there as well. ... eName=WDVW

300W 900W surge

these are almost identical to the dickies and jaycar models....$85