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New clutchplate installation - which direction?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:53 pm
by vanzbrown
My dad has an old petrol rocky, think it was an '85.

Anyways, took the clutch plate without taking too much notice, and now unsure which direction the new one goes back in...

One side has a bigger lip than the other side, and also the springs stick out further this side...

Looking at a manual online it looks like the side with no lip should be facing the flywheel, but its hard to tell from this diagram...

Edit: Said the one side of the clutch plate has T-N side on it, dunno what it all means but.

Just wondering if anyone knows for sure, sorry buts thats about all the info i have at this stage, just got off the phone.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:09 pm
by buddah_04
yeah the side with 'the bigger lip' faces the gearbox. ull find if you put it in the other way, 95% of times the clutch springs will hit the flywheel bolts.

also alot of the clutches these days have either 'flywheel side' or 'gearbox side'

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:43 am
by vanzbrown
Thanks a lot mate, very much appreciated!