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getting rusty body bolt out!HELP!

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:57 pm
by 83-mud-lux
mates got a 2002 hilux and where putting body lift in it and we got every body bolt out except for the front one on passenger side next to the radiator,it had like a rubber sleeve with a steel insert in it and the bolt is rusted to the steel insert and is impossible to get out,we had the hole weight of the car resting on it with the jack inder it and it didnt move!

tried belting it with a hammer,wd-40 sprayed on it,jacked the car up off the bolt.
any other ideas you have would be great thanks

im screwed how to get it out and we need help asap please.


Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:23 pm
by toaddog
Try heat

Got an oxy or just weld another bolt onto the top of it.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 7:44 am
by 83-mud-lux
yea true i might try that this arvo,problem is it will melt the rubber but we have to get it out.


Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:12 pm
by dustbuster
may sound stupid but do up then spray it with wd40 or lanolin and then try undo, then spray again and do up really tight again and spray again. let it soak for at least 3 hours. Then it should come out easy, with lots of praying or cursing. If not get an air gun. that will solve anything